I am not perfect. None of Gods Prophets were, yet we do what we - TopicsExpress


I am not perfect. None of Gods Prophets were, yet we do what we are called to do, and sometimes we would much rather be damned than to do the things we do, but we do them out of love for our God. If you look at the long history of Prophets, not a single one was perfect, contrary to belief, No, not even Jesus, For it is testified that before He atoned for the sins of mankind, he first atoned for his own, that is in the Book of Hebrews. And yet, we suffer. We suffer from the ignorance toward the light by others, We suffer day and night in anguish because of the prison cell man has locked us in, a prison cell of affliction because we spoke against our own brothers and sisters But know this, We have always loved you and cared about you, but weve been so damn depressed from where youve put us, that we dont have time to tell you this, we are too busy trying to survive in a world that has shunned us. It wasnt God that dethroned us, it was you, mocking and criticizing what you dont understand The Punishments you see worldwide, which are not limited to Ebola and Enterovirus, but include the upheaval of the earth, from volcanoes to mountains awakening, to earthquakes are all the earth crying out for her children who are tortured by mans arrogance We might not be perfect in our delivery, but we are who God has called. You dont get Mahatma Ghandi this time around. or Mother Theresa. You get us. This is Love, That you lay down your life for your friends-Jesus the Christ Let you light so shine before me, that may see ti and worship your father, Who is in Heaven-Jesus the Christ Go and sell all you have, and give it to the poor, then come, take up your cross and follow me-Jesus the Christ Jesus said these things, that men may know there was a price to show your Love. Because men reject the truth, the Ultimate price must sometimes be paid that the truth may be made known. Because of Ignorance sometimes innocent blood will be shed, so that truth may break through the Ignorant Impasse
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:35:29 +0000

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