I am profoundly saddened at the loss of Robin Williams to suicide - TopicsExpress


I am profoundly saddened at the loss of Robin Williams to suicide and depression. I can only say that my heart genuinely goes out to those who suffer. I know that there isnt one simple solution here and that drug addiction played a role his whole life I believe on and off? But I do see a profound lack of self worth and self esteem that is at the root cause of so much depression and drug abuse in artists and performers (and of course its not relegated just to artists and performers.) I dont want to simplify- but I do wish he could have gotten the support in healing required from both the bio-chemistry of addiction (which we have so much of here in Marin where he lived! I wonder if he was getting that kind of help? Nutritional and amino acid therapies) to tapping and healing the core wounding or issues that are deeper than what traditional therapeutic methods often provide. The problem with drug addictions, whatever the drug may be- even long term over-use of processed sugar- is that it depletes very important brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine my friends. Chronic dieting, poor diet also contribute to imbalances in brain chemistry. I used to see it all the time when I was testing for such things in my nutrition practice. Now I just know it when I see it based on listening to symptoms. I still recommend everyone test and know baseline things however as prevention. We all need to watch this. Even long term lack of sleep, chronic stress or chronic health issues can cause severe drops in serotonin and other brain chemicals essential to well-being. I myself fell into a low serotonin state after spending an entire year worried about my horse who had injured himself. Every other week we thought he may have to be put down. He was one of the great loves of my life and I was on a major roller-coaster ride. It was a chronic stress situation. Thank God I know about the healing methods I do with tapping (and many other things) as well as nutrition. I spent 4 days taking some high dosage vitamins specific to build brain chemistry and tapping- healing and got back into balance. But I do take good care of myself on a regular basis anyway with sleep, supplements, food and emotions so I knew what I needed, when for the most part and it was relatively easy to look at it quickly for me. It makes me mad that I havent done an even better job at getting my work out there so more people could see there ARE holistic solutions- yes, not a panacea- but real genuine healing out there for addiction and emotional stress. I may not have been able to reach Robin as I focus on women- but ultimately, the work is the same. Healing our hearts, our past, our beliefs, our inner child, the stories and letting go and then taking serious nutritional action. Yep, you cant just eat junk food and feel like a rockstar :)) But I guess Im just mad at losing one of my favorite celebrities who I adored. Its just so sad to me. Bless you Robin, may you go in peace and love! You will be missed. I wish all of you much love and peace in your hearts, please dont give up no matter what is going on around you and within you. There are healing tools that are out there. Know you are loved. You are perfect, even in imperfection, especially when you feel imperfect. I once asked God or the divine how could I possibly be lovable this way (when I was very down and felt like I was a mess over several horrible things that had happened to me- I was in a state)... I was embarrassed to even ask the divine for support. It took me a while to even come clean to myself that I was being too prideful to ask for support because I felt too humiliated and low- unworthy. Instantly the download or message that permeated my body was we love you always especially now, just as you are, even as you see yourself as a failure. As if love couldnt love us when we are down? What good is love if it doesnt love us when we need it most? Great spirit/ the divine/ higher self/ the loving conscious zero point field does not see us the way we sometimes see ourselves I think. In fact, there is no judgement from God or the divine at all which is totally bizarre to us in this field of consciousness I think. Non-dual reality is free from judgement... and love exists fully expressed for who we really are. Not who we think we are. But getting to the place where we can let go of who we think we are for who we REALLY are can take some effort. First we have to be willing to let go of a lot of negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves- the stories that evolve from what has happened to us. That is key. Sometimes I believe that the only mistake we make is feeling unloved or unworthy because... just fill in the blank. Yes, we can make bad choices. We can even be total jerks. Be drug addicts. Fail miserably at some important task to us. Fail ourselves. Fail our families. But knowing we are loved and lovable at the core is essential and always true, no matter what. There is nothing to prove and nobody to prove it to. If it is hard to feel- there is always tapping and other tools to help get you there. Much love and gratitude everyone~
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:06:02 +0000

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