I am raising money for MIND as I have personally been affected by - TopicsExpress


I am raising money for MIND as I have personally been affected by a mental health illness in the form of post natal depression and anxiety. I gave birth to my beautiful 2nd baby jamie in october 2010, I developed the baby blues as lots of mums do but it never went away. I felt like everything was difficult, exhausted but not sleeping well, comfort eating, crying a lot, hopeless, lost, lonely but never alone as I was terrified of being alone, i couldnt concentrate, I wanted to run away from it all. I put it down to being exhausted I had a baby who didnt sleep well and a hyper active toddler so I ignored all the signs that I needed help. I went back to work and it got worse. Jamie was over a year old before I looked into the symptoms and realised I may have post natal depression but even then I was too embarrassed to seek help so I carried on. Months went past and I realised I needed help it was only getting worse, I was not enjoying life at all it was all a mask. I seeked help but the first gp I saw was not helpful so I carried on alone until I reached the point where I was considering ending my life (I hate this part so much) I looked for help online and found MIND they had great information for me and for my family about how to contact them, what to do, where to seek help and all about mental health I was able to understand that I had an illness that wasnt going to get better on my own and the feelings I had were all part of it and I would get better if I accepted the help. I went through lots of different medications, counselling, lots of support from MIND, lots of time off work to get sorted properly and I eventually found the right balance and was able to return to work. I am so lucky to have the great support of my family and friends I couldnt be more thankful and I am proud of myself for overcoming this hurdle. I still struggle but I have the right support in place and right understanding to know how to cope. Mental health illnesses comes in many forms and can be easily disguised by the holder so support and being open about it is very important as it is nothing to be ashamed off. So please sponsor me in my fundraising for my half marathon as MIND helped save my life. https://justgiving/Siobhan-Williams3/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Siobhan-Williams3&utm_campaign=pfp-share-mobile
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 06:47:53 +0000

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