I am re-posting the letter that I sent to Caesars Casino, this - TopicsExpress


I am re-posting the letter that I sent to Caesars Casino, this morning, so that everyone can see the way they are doing me, and also are doing to others that play Caesars. This was after I received a letter from them saying that the fault of the theft of my 18 million tokens was my own fault, and that they had nothing to do with it. Caesars Casino Support[ticket#1906531410439775] (2) Caesars@playtika #Please type your reply above this line# Dear Gary, Thank you for contacting Caesars Support. I assure you we take this issue very seriously. However, following your contact and after careful examinat Sep 14 at 6:21 AM Me To Caesars@playtika Today at 12:00 PM Dear Mrs Franco, Your letter, which I have waited for, now almost a week, came as no surprise to me. When I have told you of things like this in the past, I have received the same form letter, word for word, from you. It always says the same thing. So it was, and said, nothing that I was not expecting to hear. First of all, let me explain something to you. My wife, Lorine Ward, and I, have only one computer. She is 72, and retired, I am 62 and cant retire and keep my insurance, so I have to keep on working for 3 more years, or else the government would take over half of what I make, {Half, even, a dollar for every 2 dollars that I make} . We dont have only almost what it takes to pay our bills, eat, put gas in the car to go to work. We really do not have a social life, because of all of this. Our only entertainment is TV, and Caesars, on Facebook. We dont get on here to spread our life all over, just to play on Caesars. Lorine sat me up an account on Yahoo, quite some time back, and sat me up on Caesars, and I started playing in there. Now I am not as computer alert as she, and I dont know typing, and she has to do all of that for me. Even this letter. She has not mastered the art of screenshots yet, though she can take them, she can only get them in her pictures, but cannot put them in a letter, like this one. She has her account with you on Outlook, in internet explorer, and this is a Windows 7 which our son-in-law just brought her about a month or so ago, and gave her. While I am at work, 7-4, everyday of the week, she downloads my gifts, makes more friends for me, deletes the freeloaders who do not send, answers my personal messages, and in short, takes care of my account for me. Yes, she even plays on Caesars for me. She has changed my password several times on Yahoo, and on Facebook. It is not for her, it is for me. Because at the end of a long day at work, after dinner, and a bath, this is our recreation, and our quality time together. Sad, isnt it? That the one thing we get to do together, after a long day, is to play at your Facebook casino, and she has to do most of the work on there to keep up with all the gift giving, and receiving, and the 4 hour tokens, during the day, and often after 9PM at night, when I have to go to bed, so that I can get up and go to work the next day. Often she is up till after 12 midnight, just to be sure that mine is taken care of, along with hers. She waited last night to get the 4th one in the tokens of 4 hours, so that we would both be ready to get the bonus spin this morning. But guess what, though they were both together last night, mine had not even moved so that I could get the biggy this morning at 6AM. So she got hers, and I had to wait until after 10 AM for mine. No matter though, because, to keep them together, she just did not take hers at 10 and will wait till 2PM when I get my first in the 4 hr. thing. Since I wrote you about the 18 million that you took from me, she has been told by one of the administrators of a group that we play with, that she should take a screenshot of the machine, each and every night, which is what the administrator does of her own, and that that way, if there is a question of what you have done, (and it seems this is done often, to others, also, not just me) then she has the proof to show you. Well, Lorine does not know how to do that, and I certainly cant, and I am the sort that believes that a persons word is their bond. Thats the way that Lorine and I both believe, and that is the way we were raised. No one else has been playing mine, but Lorine, and with my permission, to help me increase my points. When she told you that it was on 19 million the night before, and when we got up, it was on 1 million something, she was not lying, and no one else took them, except you. So if your conscience is okay with that, that you can take them just because you can, and not return them just because I dont have a screenshot, then I feel sorry for you, {and your conscience, because it is in BAD shape.} And also on another note, If you read your fan page, it would seem that a lot of people are having trouble with you. Seems that some of them have been set back a couple of levels, and you thinking they would not notice. There are more than a few complaints against you on there. I dont know who is in authority there, but someone definitely needs to get a grip. Some of my friends have blocked the game altogether. I just hate to do anything that rash, because I DO LIKE you, the best, and I do not play elsewhere, except on Double Down, and that is not an ALL the time thing} Your game is the one I like best, and I sincerely hope that you rethink the decision you seem to have made about my 18 million. If you dont, well, all I can say is May God bless you and your conscience. Sincerely, Gary Ward gnw919@yahoo Reply, Reply All or Forward | More Click to reply all
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:18:05 +0000

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