I am really depressed...nauseous actually. The gridlock in - TopicsExpress


I am really depressed...nauseous actually. The gridlock in Congress began when Mitch McConnell vowed, immediately after Obamas 1st election, that there would be no bills passed under an Obama presidency...even those bills that Republicans wrote or wanted passed. And last night the GOP got rewarded for this. Obama did reach out to Congress a lot in his 1st term. The results of this election will be worse thabn Newts victory in the 90s and the Contract With America...Clinton could charm and negotiate...unlike Obama. Btw...I still like Obama. I am sick to death of the meanness, partisanshipness unto death at the cost of the American people, the enormous amount of money it takes to run a successful election, gerrymandering, racism, Tea Party philosophy, religious beliefs of the minority trumping science, etc. I would really love to move to Canada. I had thought of this before but I dont have the money. It would be a good life there and I dont have as much invested, politically & philosophically, as I do here. I would be calmer at least. I am patriotic but I cannot stand our political system anymore. And the results of last nights election show that many in the US believe in the GOP philosophy - the very right-wing philosophy. What kind of people are these who want a Libertarian isolationist president...or worse, Ted Cruz? These guys would disenfranchise the elderly, the poor the middle class, the young - no more Pell grants, etc. I will probably get some really negative comments because of my desire to leave the US....but that is how I feel and if I did have the $$ I would sta\ rt packing now. Btw...this is not just because of the election results. msnbc/msnbc/sen-ted-cruz-vows-aggressive-new-direction-if-gop-takes-senate?adbid=766360330126888&adbpl=fb&adbpr=273864989376427&cid=sm_m_main_1_20141103_34940027
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:17:57 +0000

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