I am seeing this about experiencing depth and fullness of love, in - TopicsExpress


I am seeing this about experiencing depth and fullness of love, in daily life. The idea is something around allowing people to love you in the ways that they know how and can best share. Those ways might not be what you are used to/familiar with so to receive that in often requires you open through ultra-vulnerability and *that* is where the magic of love resides. Because the moment you open (even hesitantly) to receive love in, your heart whispers slip right through and begin to soar and then...return as your reality. And for some, that is a joy; while for others, it is scary to begin to see your dreams coming true. Intending to experience fullness of love requires that we open, even through that joy and fear - to experience *more* (and many of us carry patterns of not enough or a block to receiving in - so there is often a bit of inner work to do to open to such a degree). When we sometimes try to control the expressions of love that are given, we limit the magic, peace and possibility. And then we wonder why we dont feel depth and fullness, in daily life (sure, the occasional sweep you off your feet moment happens, beyond those barriers). When we choose to love deeply, in daily life, we are choosing *to live infinite possibility* - each day is full of synchronicity, abundance, blessing, wonder, joy, awe and gratitude. When we allow the energy to guide us, we dont know where love will lead and *that* takes a lot of trust and courage to live. So, lets try it - lets allow love to surprise us and delight us and if you wish, lets share examples of how we were delighted and surprised by love today. (when you share, you inspire!) ♥ As you feel into the energy of what I am sharing, what arises within for you?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 17:13:44 +0000

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