I am setting a warning here in this group. This is for 4 Corners. - TopicsExpress


I am setting a warning here in this group. This is for 4 Corners. If anyone is in your inbox that you have met through this group promoting to you other deals on the down low you can report that to me in private and I will surely make life a little bit harder for them. These groups are sacred to our Team, there is no spamming or taking people off of training and learning things. I have created many groups for many topics and seen it time and time again that folks get into peoples message boxes with the next latest and greatest and let me tell you, the history of someone actually believing that line of stuff and actually making money legally shows that people were crying in my inboxes a little while later saying that they were either scammed out of hard earned money OR they got ZERO help when they were promised the world. Make no mistake about it that will NOT happen in this particular group and if reported you will have had prior warnings of this and can expect to see backlash from a handful of Leaders that arent too happy about what these people have done in the recent past. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS BAIT AND SWITCH, PEOPLE ARE GOOD AT TELLING YOU JUST WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR AND THEN LEAVING YOU STRANDED RIGHT AFTER THEY SEE YOU PAID IN THEIR BACK OFFICES. I AM NOT SAYING THAT TO SOUND RUDE BUT IT HAPPENS AND I PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THESE THINGS AS IT CREATES ENEMIES OUT OF WHAT NORMALLY WOULD BE A FRIEND HERE. DO NOT CROSS THAT LINE IN THIS GROUP AND AS ALWAYS IT IS A BUYER BEWARE TYPE OF SITUATION, DONT COME TO ME TELLING ME YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE WHO FELL FOR THE PROMISES OF RICHES AND SPENT MONEY AND LOST MONEY BECAUSE THIS POST IS REAL, THIS IS NOT A TEST.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:41:52 +0000

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