I am sick of the demented script which Israel has brainwashed its - TopicsExpress


I am sick of the demented script which Israel has brainwashed its followers with. Many are paid to spread these lies, but others are a knock-on effect. It is as if they follow these steps whenever confronted about their abhorrent practices or are questioned about the ethnic cleansing they are currently undertaking in Gaza: 1) It is Hamass fault. Hamas are terrorists. This operation is to get rid of terrorists. 2) Hamas started this, it is their fault. Do not blame us, we only want peace. If it was not for Hamas there would be peace right now. 3) We are defending ourselves from the hundreds of rockets Hamas keep throwing at us! We warn families before we bomb them! We are humanitarian! 4) Civilians dead? Thats because Hamas use human shields! They hide behind women and children when we attack them. It is Palestines fault that Palestinians are dying! And when all else fails: 5) You must HATE Jews! Antisemitic pig! This is because of your religion! Muslims are always causing problems anyway. Let us deal with each of these very simplistic propaganda advanced arguments in turn: 1) Hamas are not a terrorist organisation. Hamas are the democratically elected leaders of Palestine. They have been legitimately elected to represent their citizens and have done so democratically through Members of Parliament (just like Britain) and various ratified processes. The only reason you call them terrorists is because you dislike their resistance towards being treated like cattle and besieged within a drone controlled border where more than 50% of 1.8 million inhabitants are unemployed and even more are starving with no contact to the outside world. 2) Hamas did not start the current conflict. When this conflict started, Hamas were making a coalition government with Fatah, another popular Palestinian party. Fatah are very Israeli-friendly, and Israel were shocked that Fatah were cooperating with Hamas. Then, suddenly when the coalition was about to happen- surprise surprise, three teenagers go missing, and without an investigation, Hamas are blamed and imminent airstrikes are threatened! Hamas denied all involvement with this kidnapping. Hamas are based in Gaza. The kidnapping happened in the West Bank- way off. What a coincidence though, right? No, not a coincidence. This is real life, not a TV show. Even so, Hamas did not fire rockets first, even when Jewish settlers kidnapped and burned a young Palestinian boy alive. Israel started the airstrikes and since then the death toll has only been innocent civilians. Also, Israel committed these atrocities long before Hamas even existed! There was no peace then and even worse instances of genocide, what was their excuse then? Lame. 3) You are defending yourself by killing over 1,000 women and children in just two weeks? How? Hamas has killed no civilians in Israel- only soldiers, and even that was in response to them directly invading Gaza. Imagine they had let the soldiers in- how many more would die? You call your offensive a surgical operation yet it only amounts to dead babies as young as 5 months old blown to pieces. You use flechette bombs, and phosphorous: illegal under international law and prone to mass casualties. You cannot defend yourself if you are the aggressor. You cannot be defending yourself if you have entrapped 1.8 million people with walls on all sides. You cannot defend yourself if you started the offensive, and you certainly cannot be defending yourself if you are suffering provoked harm. Where is the defence? You have iron dome technology. Hamass rockets dont even land in Tel Aviv most of the time, and when they do, everyone has bomb shelters and much more. The rockets themselves are ineffective. Gaza have nothing against F16 Jet Fighters and worse horrors. They die. They are naked. Your operation is not a defence. It is a massacre. Also, warn families before bombing them? By giving them a 3 minute prior call, or sending a smaller bomb through their window? Where are they meant to run to? It is a strip of land and they are barricaded! How is that humanitaria
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:21:21 +0000

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