I am sitting here doing a summary outline for my book I am writing - TopicsExpress


I am sitting here doing a summary outline for my book I am writing about my life called The professional patient...Stripped away, losing everything...finding me, and even I am blown away at just the break down of what I have gone thru in my life...holy shit it has been A LOT!!! 1. Debilitating migraines since age 15 2. Diagnosed with very rare potentially fatal heart problem age 26 3. Diagnosed with very rare potentially fatal liver disorder age 45 4. Diagnosed with very rare potentially fatal thyroid disorder age 45 5. Diagnosed with severe food intolerances and food sensitivities age 45 6. Diagnosed with MS age 48 7. Severe traumatic head injury and major muscle and nerve damage to my body from horrible car accident in 2009 8. Diagnosed with interstitial cystitis age 48 I have been in the emergency rooms deathly ill OVER 100 times in my life I have been rushed by ambulance to the hospital deathly ill and on several occasions considered actively dying and they did not even think I would make it to the hospital on time over 50 times!!! I have had the doctors getting ready to call my time of death several times and in fact on one of my medical records from New Brunswick Canada it says grossly dilated pupils, imminent death, family in California notified... Boy didnt I freak the hell out of that doctor when after they finally started an IV I sat up and tried to tell him it was my liver causing the problem and could he please give me the proper medication to make it stop and he REFUSED because he had never heard of liver sphincter of oddi dysfunction !!! OMG and he graduated from medical school!!! 2 surgeries on my heart Emergency gall bladder surgery Surgery to rebuild my entire pelvic floor from my car accident Surgery to repair my bladder Surgery to repair the torn muscles in my stomach from my car accident Surgery to get a needle I jumped on and lodged in the bone of my foot Surgery on both feet to remove tumours in both my feet 9 stitches on my back from when I passed out in the shower and gashed my back wide open on the shattered tile wall that I hit so hard when I fell 3 head injuries, two from falling and hitting my head Wow...God SURE must want me here for a good reason...WTF!!! Well time to get back to writing my book!!! Ciao
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 09:01:50 +0000

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