I am so dismayed at how the TNA wing of Jubilee is supporting the - TopicsExpress


I am so dismayed at how the TNA wing of Jubilee is supporting the push for Luhyia Unity with hypocrisy of the highest order. I want you to walk a little down memory lane and stop right at the KICC ground on a chilly sunday morning of the 20th day of May 2012 when the then Deputy prime minister Hon.Uhuru kenyatta now my president save for CORDs unpreparedness, over trusting, unworkable strategy, disorganized team, egoistic lieutenants and over-confidentiality coupled with stingy leaders was launching his campaign which was anchored under the “I believe” theme that seeks to encourage Kenyans to work together to realise their aspirations though which has turned out to be a ME, MYSELF and I affair after the king reached his cherished comfort zone. Hon. Kenyatta s main guest, was Mr Eugene Wamalwa who was hosted in a tent christened “The Presidential Lounge”which had a red carpet symbolizing power and one wouldnt stop to think that HonEugene Wamalwa was the kings preferred choice for the hot but coveted seat deputizing the number one tenant in the house on the hill. I must admit that was the day i came to know the real wamalwa,a man who was so eloquent and i admired his speech to the very end and even wished he could go on and on.The celebration was high as was exhibited by the western particularly the Luhyia people who saw their man Eugene as the man to be after the man from mugumo land and again if the sentiments of the then Interim chairman Robert Mulemi and coordinator for Western Winnie Katanu who assured of an aggressive recruitment drive for the party in western region is to go by. Archbishop Peter Kairo, himself a descendant of Mumbi told politicians not to divide Kenyans along ethnic lines and called on the voters to elect responsible leaders whom he meant were Uhuru and Wamalwa because that was where their interest was. The celebration was cut short after the house of mumbi raked in William Samoei Ruto and his team thus cutting links with wamalwa completely.IS THAT NOT HYPOCRISY? The powerful wamalwa speech never saw the light hehehehe. Come Musalia mudavadi on uhurus boat after using and dumping wamalwa, he later turned his back on the maragoli king and at some point though indirectly referred to him as MADEMONI.why was this happening? because the house of Mumbi had got the fatter calf in the name of ruto william and need not musalia anymore.Musalia was just but their political tool of convenience and once used, is dumped. DP William Ruto is a Paranoid individual and one who constantly suspect the motives of those around them and believe that certain individuals or people in general are either out to get them or wants to get the kings ears including eyes thus puts a permanent barrier between the king and the people but at the same time pretends to be good and luring with sugar coated goodies.The fact is Ruto does not need the Luhyia unity and will do anything within his powers to scuttle it. He is well aware that this unity will only be beneficial to Uhuru Kenyatta and being overly ambitious,you can guess where he leans on.The fact is, Ruto is a pretender who has risen from the rags to riches driving on a vehicle of pretense. Think of what he said on the Mau issue, the kalenjin boys who were purportedly arrested during the post election violence, the maize saga among others squarely and knowingly blaming Rail Odinga for all that. Ruto is a thankless person and if the guy can not respect Moi who made him the person he is today, can not respect Raila odinga, aman who supported Ruto and even sacrificed much for him, call raila A mere LEMINDET, who do you think you are to be respected by him. Luhyia should not be misled by outsiders on the unity issue, get brainwashed by money or any political overtures. You are your own self so think of your destiny as a community and make a sound political decision which is key and paramount to the growth of your people.I would advise get JUBILEE out of it because their only motive is to see you shattered and down in order to rule.Divide and rule tactics being employed by this egocentric jubilee guys shouldnt form your decision. Remember you were told...10 years and another 10 years so think soberly WANAWAMBERE. Just test waters, let Ababu Namwamba move to TNA or URP or a collection of it all fully and see whether he can be accommodated there leave alone given the secretary generals position if the likes of Moses Kuria, Kanini kenga, kina Ichungwa wouldnt conduct a night meeting and kick him out of the team.Think soberly and ask what happened to MASINDE MULIRO, think about your future soberly which i believe lies squarely with the able leaders such as Wetangula and khalwale the bull fighter. WANAWAMULEMBE. AVHORANDI.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:38:52 +0000

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