I am so far behind on my Im Thankful for posts that I will likely - TopicsExpress


I am so far behind on my Im Thankful for posts that I will likely not get caught up. But I will give it a go anyway. I had a few days last week where I just didnt feel all that great so I guess I will start there. Days 13 and 14 We had a cold front come through that made me not feel so great and really drained my energy. What I am thankful for is that even though I have MS and the symptoms related to that can be varied and difficult to live with I am very blessed that mine arent as bad as some that I know of. I am grateful that I have relapsing remitting not first or secondary progressive which both have very little remission time and so they progress rather steadily. I have my issues and as i get older they change and sometimes worsen but I am blessed with a very supportive family starting with my husband who never says much when I dont get things done in a timely manner or sometimes even for days on end. then I have my children who come willingly and help me with whatever I need without complaint. I love them all for that. And then there is my mother who worries about me not getting enough sleep and trying to do too much to help her and others. I love my mom dearly she has taught me so much about how to handle the little set backs life throws at all of us and some time or another. Day 15 My youngest daughter had a friend get married and asked if she came up I would take her to the reception I said of course. I asked her if she would help me clean my oven and broiler while she was here and she said yes. She went to her friends reception and stayed the night with me and Sat we did a surprise birthday party for my other daughter and then late Sat evening she cleaned my oven and broiler for me. I love her dearly and am so grateful that she was willing to help me out. I have a hard time doing things like that because I have issues with my shoulders that wont let me do many things that require repetitive movements especially circles or using my arms above my head. Day 16 I posted and that day I was very grateful for being blessed with my oldest daughter who has always been a blessing in my life. Day 17 I am grateful for the Gospel in my life what a comfort that is to me. I am grateful for all the blessings it brings me and the knowledge that I have a Father in Heaven that loves me and is aware of my struggles and failings and is always there to help me to find my way when I get lost and.or confused. I am grateful for His loving guidance and his mercy and the blessings those are to me even when I am undeserving. Day 18 I got the results of my mammogram and they were normal and advised rechecking in 1 year. I am grateful for the test and that it can catch breast cancer early but I am more grateful that my test results were normal. Day 19 I am grateful that I finally made it through 10 rows of the afghan that I am working on that were giving me fits I think I crocheted 20 rows for those 10, I had to undo more rows during that set than any other rows in the whole afghan. Now I am down to the last 10 rows and they are just straight one color rows so they should go pretty fast. Day 20 I am grateful that my beautiful bonus daughter and granddaughter came to visit for the afternoon it was a pleasant afternoon. I am also grateful for the help my granddaughter gave me on the cabinet that I am working on, it was fun to watch her try to copy me sanding it. I gave her her own piece of sand paper to use and she tried really hard to help. Thanks for coming and hanging out Jess I really enjoyed the time we had together. Come back anytime and just hang with me. I love you and Amya more than you know. There now I am all caught up.....well I did notice that I missed day 12 so for day 12 I am grateful that my mom, my sister and I went and had our annual booby smash session. It was a mother daughters sister activity and even though the test isnt pleasant it was time that we got to spend together and visit and go shopping afterward. Well do it again next year. There now all caught up. Catch ya all tomorrow for day 21.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:06:45 +0000

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