I am so thankful. I just wanted to say that although i post from - TopicsExpress


I am so thankful. I just wanted to say that although i post from time to time about some, serious health problems i have had over the past few years, I never wish for anyone to feel sorry for me or need them to do anything for me. Im honestly doing fantastic when i think about it ! I see myself as really in the top percent of lucky people that have walked this earth. When we look at history and even among impoverished nations today, i live in a country where there is still much opportunity for those who put their minds to it, Before i met my husband, i was alone, divorced with two kids, no money and although i had to put some of my dreams aside i made one of the best choices i could ever make in my life and that was becoming a registered nurse In addition to the joy being a nurse brought to me by letting me ease suffering of so many others over the decades, that decision also changed my life so that i would never have to depend on a man, on charity or on government assistance to come through (because sometimes it just doesnt). I always would be able to support myself and my children and find a job, so i am so thankful for that decision and the sacrifices i made getting it we well worth it -that the student loans i paid back, putting my creative aspirations on the side having to work when i wasnt studying, but since i did that i never needed to worry about being jobless and without benefits again. Even now that i have health issues and likely couldnt work in a hospital setting i have a truly fantastic job for a company and boss that are flexible and value me, my health and my work-life balance. I am also thankful to my husband and children and friends who understand when i cant open that jar and also do not blame me for any moments they may have lost because of my illness. I also thank that Ive kept that creative drive and still paint and create and have given that to at least one of my children, who is hands down the most creative person i know. All my 4 of kids are great and very special their own way and i am lucky to have all them and also a husband who loves me so so much and compliments me by being so different than, as i compliment him to him. Together we make a super duper person because we both bring so many things to the table the other lacks. We are a match made in heaven ! I also a, so thankful to my doctors and modern medicine without which i would be in a wheelchair today and right now i am feeling pretty darn good beside for some tiredness due to my blood counts lowered from the chemo i feel my joints are so much less painful already! Im also thankful to my extended family and life long friends (and you know who you are) who have loved me for decades and will always be there for me even from afar. Im thankful for my spirituality & being able to look to a higher power its roll in the little blue marbles daily ongoing. It reminds me every day just how insignificant my little life is in the scheme of the history of the world but how wondrously vast and important each breathe we take truly is. I can honestly say i am truly a happy person because of decisions i made, bonds with others who love me and i them and due to other circumstances beyond my control. I am so thankful for my insatiable thirst for knowledge and books and learning because there is so much wonder to behold! I truly believe that most people can and will find themselves just as happy if they start taking themselves a lot less seriously, be a lot more thankful and just be, act and let the life unfold . This wonderful life!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:47:02 +0000

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