I am sorry I have been out taking care of business. I went to - TopicsExpress


I am sorry I have been out taking care of business. I went to Texas and want to say thank you for all your prayers . It has been a rough week. God provided a way over there and back. Also got to see my dad and got to see my new grand-baby whom I havent seen . My son as well and grandkids i havent seen in 2 yrs. so blessed. My dad got surgery , they placed a feeding tube in his stomach because he cant eat anything anymore, his throat closed. He has been sent home. Things didnt go well division was real bad from the moment I got there, my niece didnt want me there. She blames me for my dad being there . Dad didnt want me doing Angels of Mercy and the last time I talked to him he got mad at me and told me I was going to hell. I told my dad he doesnt know what he is saying and just told him be careful because he is speaking against God not me. soon after that he fell. I love my dad with all my heart but religion has him. He really believes Church of Christ is the only church that is going to make it. I believe he is right only the true Church of Christ the whole body of Christ, not just the ones named by it. Satan has him bound and because dad cant read he excepts what is given to him.... Well my niece told me i had no business there cussed me out and made it real hard for me . Lied to my mom and brother and my family, told them i was starting trouble. Every time a doctor came in she spoke and I asked questions about the pills or procedure they were going to give my dad she shut me up in front of everybody. I got tired after she did it for the forth time and told her she was being rude. I am not to close to my parents s they defended her they dont care if we are older . I took off with older sister and brother whom they dont care about either and came back latter. My brother was so excited about his life and what God was doing that when we got there i sat on the bed trying to encourage dad not to give up and brother testified of what God did threw me to help him forward. Both of us in Gods joy and praising him. My niece was behind us I know she was signing my mom and then my mom started to scream in the hospital . She started to scream get away from him leave him alone leave him alone . Then i turned and say what is wrong mom and she kept screaming. Then my brother was going to her to see why she was screaming and my other sister got up and yelled at him and said leave my dad alone . Her whole face changed and she started to ball her fist . Short story security kicked us out kid brother Adam wanted to beat my older brother Gilbert who was testifying and my sister wanted to beat me to .....So we went home pray for my family sisters Lupe , brother Gilbert and Jesse this are the ones who really went away really hurt and God has tried hard to bring them back in...... ALSO please pray for me for the curses my sisters sent i felt 3 spirits touch me last night 3 times and I know it is my sister and niece and mother. They curse people real bad some may not like to hear this but it is truth and it is time it stops No more pretending like it doesnt happen. I dont have a aperfect family especially if Jesus doesnt reighn in our family. I will expose the devil so we can pray for my families souls.........Please pray Thank You
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 06:05:29 +0000

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