I am surely dating myself by saying that I recall the same "moral - TopicsExpress


I am surely dating myself by saying that I recall the same "moral imperative" reasoning from during the Viet Nam War that was again used to justify invading Iraq and Afghanistan, and now to support military action against Syria. During the Viet Name War, the USA spent hundreds of billions (trillions in today’s dollars) on its military efforts on the other side of the world because they (and also we as Canadians) somehow had the idea that if we didn’t stop and defeat the communists in Viet Nam, there would be a domino effect and all of South East Asia and eventually the whole world would be communist. It was a con job. The need for the Viet Nam War was foisted on the American public as a “moral imperative” to justify getting involved to save the people of Viet Nam. The public was so “smoozed” by the con job that a military draft was accepted. Heaven forbid that that should ever again be condoned. The truth was that a lot of wealthy American industrialists and suppliers were getting even wealthier as a result of the Viet Nam War, and that they lobbied the Presidents, Congress and the US administration to keep the war going. The truth is that wealthy American industrialists and suppliers love wars that involve the USA or anyone else whom they can supply with war materials. The cost of the Viet Nam War in human terms was over 58,000 US soldiers killed, hundreds of thousands physically wounded, and heaven knows how many psychologically and socially messed up. And then there was the even worse costs in lives and injury to the Viet Nam People. How would any of us like it to have our son (or daughter), or dad (or mom) or anyone die, get wounded or messed up just so someone wealthy could get wealthier? I dare you to share this.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:02:24 +0000

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