I am trying to find someone that would be willing to donate a good - TopicsExpress


I am trying to find someone that would be willing to donate a good juicing machine to me. At my latest doctors appointment my team of doctors said that juicing would help kind of re-set my immune system and my body. If youre unfamiliar with my story, please check out my Facebook page, Care for Cassie. I have been sick for the last 2 1/2 years now, I have been misdiagnosed 4 or 5 times now My latest diagnosis is a 1 in a million Auto-Immune/Auto-Inflammatory disease called Chronic Recurrent Multifocial Osteomyelitis or CRMO. Basically my bone marrow is turning into/making hard fibrous bone tumors or lesions. So far there are confirmed lesions in my right arm, right thigh bone and my pelvis. This disease also really messes up my blood counts and other organs; Im severely anemic and get a 7 hour iron infusion every 3 months and have to have multiple bone marrow biopsies to monitor the iron level in my bone marrow. As of right now I have no iron in my bone marrow and they are unsure why the iron is not going from my blood into the marrow. CRMO also effects my kidneys, spleen and liver. The disease was activated by my pregnancy with my daughter in 2011. At 3 months pregnant my pelvis separated and I was placed on bedrest and have been in horrible pain, have had 9 surgeries/procedures total, 6 of which were between 8/28/13 - 1/7/14. This is why my doctors believe that juicing would be extremely helpful in helping my body to re-set. We have no money right now at all. Ive tried looking online and the cheapest one I found the lady was very nice and very honest and said it didnt work very well and that is why she was selling it. I need to find one that will last a long time and juice very well and be ment to be used 4/5 times a day. Is there anyone that can help by donating some money towards it or if you know someone with a used one that will work as well as I need it to? I am desperate to get this juicer and start juicing so I can get the energy I need to be able to care for my daughter and myself. Im 28 years old can have to have my husband brush hair and help me get dressed due to the extreme bone pain, joint pain and weakness. Any little bit would help so so SO much. Thank you!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 04:42:14 +0000

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