I am working on a new song and while I wont detract from those who - TopicsExpress


I am working on a new song and while I wont detract from those who really need the help and are disabled I will poke a good bit of fun at those who attempt to suck the system dry for their own benefit and honestly dont need it. Last time I checked this was America and I am a firm believer in the constitutional rights of our citizens that being said I am utilizing my 1st amendment right with this song. Im to lazy to work I got government welfare My Obama phone and subsidized healthcare Others work their whole lives to pick up the tab for me but isnt that what the founders meant by be free? billy give me the damn microphone you want to know what the founders would say ill tell you If Thomas Jefferson were here hed put a boot up your ass tell you to grow some balls and maybe find a bit of class Ben Franklin would choke you with his kite string for doing such a hideous deplorable thing George Washington would set upon a new cause burning those checks to thunderous applause John Adams would say if you can buy my beer Then Im afraid you really dont need welfare dear Alexander Hamilton would grab his dueling gun tell you your to lazy to work lets see if to run John Jay would go crazy seeing such a ghastly sight When his eyes first beheld the Obamacare site James Madison would just simply ask why why did you help my country my child die Bubba....Bubba..... Hey Bubba!!! You can quit now nope I have more sit down like your used to and listen you might learn something Our history is full of many storied great men who fought in our wars and put paper to pen All of whom worked hard so that you could be free So sit back and take a history lesson from me Thomas Edison would tell you I am completely self made Get off your ass and work if you wish to be paid Nothing worth having isnt worth earning If your one of these people I hope I got your ears burning
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:02:02 +0000

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