I am writing this as I come down after an amazing experience and - TopicsExpress


I am writing this as I come down after an amazing experience and long journey. The past 12 months have been incredible for me and the previous 6 months have brought many amazing things into my life. Over the past 6 months I have been on a mission to get myself in the best possible physical shape. I wanted to be “stage ready” lean and push my limits. The support that I have received over this time has been overwhelming. I could never have done it without the people in my life and I know that I didn’t tell them how much I appreciated it enough during this time. These people had to deal with my moods, irritability and change in priorities over this time. There were definitively times of strain but we managed to pull through it all and come out on top. To my wife Kim, who is honestly my biggest fan. She did everything possible to support me including taking a backseat to my nutritional needs and training requirements. She suffered a lot of neglect in the past 6 months and I owe her a lifetime of attention. Without her by my side there was no way that I ever could have reached my goal. She was unwavering in her support and patiently allowed me to put myself first in many cases where she should have been my priority. She is the strongest person that I know and after watching her support me through this I know what unconditional love is, because she must have it to have put up with me for the past 6 months. To my training partner Zach. It has been an incredible journey to watch you transform and to be able to do this by your side. You motivate and push me when I am down and make me want to get better each day. Thanks for always being there and accommodating my crazy schedule. We have many more great training sessions ahead of us my friend. To my coach Tyler English who gave me confidence in his plan and guided me exactly where I needed to be to reach my goals. Without his constant support and coaching I would have been lost. He has forever changed the way I think about nutrition and my training. I owe all of my final stages of progress to him. He is like a mad scientist when it comes to preparing you to be in peak condition. Late night and early mornings texts and more half naked pictures of me have exchanged between us than I care to think about. Thanks Tyler for being there when I needed it the most. Chris Howell, my photographer that was willing to deal with my moody, diva tendencies on shoot day. He did an amazing job rearranging the shoot schedule and making sure we captured the best possible shots. My team at Force and business partner Wil. Thank you guys for being supportive every step of the way. You all inspire me to do great things and I couldn’t be happier to be able to have you all on our team. We are a strong group and seeing the support that you gave me in my prep was amazing. The entire FCG team, especially Pat and Nick. We travel a lot and they made it as easy as possible for me to be able to train and eat well on the road. They were always supportive and encouraging when I needed it and they pushed me when I needed it as well. Pat and Nick have been my mentors from the start of my career in fitness and have turned into two of my best friend and business partners. Thanks to all of you at FCG! Finally to the Precision Nutrition team and my Coach Colte Barnhill, thank you. Thank you for challenging me to get out of my comfort zone, knowing when I needed a push and for getting me started in making some huge life changes. During this time there were so many positive mental, psychological and physical changes that will never be expressed in the photos that I took but that will be with me forever. This Lean Eating Journey has been an incredible experience, life changing in fact and I will never forget it. Colte’s support and guidance when I needed it most is very much appreciated. Knowing he was there to answer questions and never judge helped me make all of these positive changes in my life. Thank you! There are so many others that were there along the way. Angie and JD, Allan and Deb Koon. Carla and Shawn, all of my friends, our entire Force Family and more. I know that I am forgetting so many people that might have helped along the way.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:10:55 +0000

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