I apologize for not providing Carolina updates this past week. - TopicsExpress


I apologize for not providing Carolina updates this past week. There is a lot of construction going on at Trinity, and I worked some really long days. Carolina is doing very good. Her blood counts were down last week. This was expected, and she is getting her blood counts checked again this afternoon at 1, to see if they are on the way back up. Carolina also has a check up with Dr. Bradley, her Proton radiation Dr., this morning and a hearing test this afternoon. I have several specific prayer requests: 1) Carolina has 6th Nerve Palsy in her left eye. We are praying that this is caused by inflammation from her Proton radiation, that she completed at the end of April. Carolina will go back to the eye Dr. on August 13th, for another checkup and then possibly have a MRI. 2) Carolina to not have any fever. Anything over 101, and we have to take her to the hospital for antibiotics. 3) Carolinas blood counts to go back up to a good level. 4) Her energy level to increase. 5) Her immune system to grow stronger. This obviously will help her fight off viruses and colds. 6) Carolinas main side effect can be nausea and just feeling bad. Pray for this to be minimized and not be a problem. Our family had some God moments this past week. Friday night, we cashed in one of our Anniversary gifts and ate at Olive Garden. As we were finishing eating, the waitress brought the kids big bowls of ice cream. Apparently, a couple, that was sitting near by, bought it for them on their way out of the restaurant. Tabitha cried! Sometimes it is the little things that mean the most. Yesterday, we went to eat with Tabithas family. While waiting on our check, we talked to a lady from North Carolina, who was traveling through from a church conference. Any time I hear someone I dont know talk about church, I give them a BELIEVE!! Team Carolina business card, with our Facebook info and ask them to pray. As we were leaving, 2 other ladies in the group walked over. They said, We heard about Carolina, and we just had to meet her before we left. Both of these precious ladies are cancer survivors. They hugged her, told her she was beautiful, and promised her that they would pray for her. It is amazing that people living hundreds of miles apart, can meet together in the throne room of our holy God. My family has been so blessed to have the support of so many people, in so many different parts of the world. It is such a comfort to know that we are not alone. This journey has not been fun, and it is definitely not the journey that I would have chosen, but this journey has been amazing. I can not comprehend, how someone can go through the trials of this life without a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the reason that I have hope. Hebrews 4:14-16 says, Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. No matter what circumstances come our way, my Gods got this! Isaiah 41:10 says, Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. My God is an awesome God, and He deserves my highest praise. Keep praying! BELIEVE!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:02:09 +0000

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