I apologize for the length here, I edited it as much as I could... - TopicsExpress


I apologize for the length here, I edited it as much as I could... Hormonal birth control is used for myriad reasons (regulation of hormonal levels to mitigate the debilitating effects of dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and avoiding pregnancy for those women for whom pregnancy would put their lives in grave danger, just to name a few) and not just birth control. Todays SCOTUS ruling takes away access to therapeutic prescriptives for the women of Hobby Lobby, and opens the door to every private company to take these medications from women who depend on them. And frankly, the same people who are taking away the ability to avoid pregnancy will also fight to keep them from making other reproductive destiny decisions. It would be interesting to find out how many of Hobby Lobbys stores are in states with unconstitutional TRAP laws. I am guessing a high percentage. Which means finding a clinic offering free and affordable prescriptions as well as filling those prescriptions will be even more difficult with every clinic that gets closed due to the TRAP laws. Expecting it is, easy to get a prescription and, affordable to obtain birth control is the same as accepting the transfer of a womans power and control over her reproductive freedoms and choices to a corporation she just happens to be employed by. Telling her to depend on, charities to supply something she should have the right to expect to be covered under her insurance is an insult. A corporation is not a, person, and ruling to grant rights of personhood to corporations was the moment that rulings like todays were bound to happen. Understanding that this is the same thing as removing a persons individual freedoms will be difficult for many. Thanks again Christian white male privilege for continuing with the constant assault on womens rights to further your agenda (in this case, a thinly veiled attack on the ACA). Did they think women had become apathetic in the last 40 years? Perhaps, and perhaps our gender gave them every right to think that. Women are the sleeping giant in this country, and the sleeping giant is about to get out of bed and make some shit happen.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 23:24:09 +0000

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