I apologize in advance if I made errors in English & you don’t - TopicsExpress


I apologize in advance if I made errors in English & you don’t understand me… The corruption of Italy has returned to the footlights on the strong powers table of European Union. They speak about the cost of corruption that burdens on the Italian contributors: hundreds of billions of Euros per year? The corrupt ones and the bribers burn money as the old vapor locomotives from beginning ‘900 did with the coal... and they pollute too, that is they also contaminate the last remained honest ones! It’s obvious that corruption is a common evil to all the States members of European community, but in Italy it reaches mastodontic levels. The corruption of Italy has millennial origins, if we are agree that the beginning of western civilization coincides with the development of Roman Empire. Corrupt ones and bribers live among patricians, senators and Emperors of Rome, they didnt disturb money conquered beyond their lex. In fact they wrote the law and therefore they could revolve it better. An Emperor, Vespasian August, said: Pecunia non olet!”. Then He repeated that to how many were disgusted in receiving dirty money, money drawn by slight noble situations. In the medieval age, it was almost in a primitive social state and corruption became synonymous of Barbaric incursions. The strongest and bossy ones established their personal laws and all the other people had to be subjugating under death’s punishment. In the Renaissance, the papal and ducal corruption reached almost refined and modern levels like nowadays. The gold and the precious gems were hunted by who had elevated positions. The prelate behaved worse than lazzaroni of Naples streets taverns: it stole money and it was surrounded of bad women. The dukes and the knights didnt fight for ideologies, but for money, for ransacking and to cash in. Moreover, during the Risorgimento, some centuries later, the loot was made by Piedmont of Savoias in damage of the Two Sicilies: Cavour knew well how to plot the briber tactic that got off the military and politic stability of Bourbons secular dominion. And the corruption reigned then in the Parliament of the new Kingdom of Italy. The regal decrees moved all the money, all the enterprises and all the powers to Northern States: it was born so the quistione meridionale! There was diffused poverty in the South of Italy it forced millions of subjects, in following decades, to emigrate toward foreign countries and particularly toward the North and South America. In the North of Italy, so they began to build new industries with the penny of Risorgimento’s loot. Italy, a few years before the Great War, was defined new industrial power. But a greed of power toward foreign countries by capitalists and industrialists, as well as of nobles and how many gravitated around the Parliament of Fascist Italy, it brought us the war and the devastation in our house. And so, in the postwar period the cards were shuffled in the Parliament of republican Italy and new corrupt ones and bribers established their law, behind benevolent cover-ups and fake ideological-politic opinions. The corruption of Italy has, therefore, these origins, because who reaches elevated public positions or for overbearance or for public recognition he wants the power on the people, he wants much more money than he was allotted, he wants to show its undue wealth. And the European Union must be careful ‘cause the corrupt ones and the bribers grind money, they burn money as the coal of the old vapor locomotives from beginning ‘900! And... they pollute as I said! Italy has never been so united and homogeneous about frauds and robberies, illegality and corruption. We live and lived, as I already said elsewhere, as in the best films of Neapolitan Totò. However, Anthony De Curtis was a comedian and made to laugh both during the war and later. The Italians dont make to laugh anymore. Those who get up fierce in the morning with conjecture to go working. Those who feel fighi (freak) because they belong to protected groups. Those who have titles of study and important positions. Those who ask for favors, those who are recommended, those who always operate dishonestly without being punished. Those who ask for money only to get papers and stamped scartoffie (public documents). Those who practice off limits & off topics charges. Those they’re children of... they get nominations and recognitions without any canon of worth. Those who always escape from troubles through dialectics and resonant voice tone. Those who boast friendships in the high stairs of executive rooms of the world’s super powerful persons. Those who display honesty whereas they’re able of stabbing you to the shoulders only for one more look. Those who organized against who seems different from them. Those who believe they’re above the mass and they possess villas of luxury totally unknown to the inventory and erario, automobiles and dizzying boats invisible to PRA (public registrars) and the insurances, secret accounts that are not subject to the banks national rules. Those who, when revealed in flagrancy of crime, call lawyers, judges, police officers and financiers for arranging everything in the best ways. Those who contaminate the honest ones and they stop them in the profitable job for community. Those who make noise, they display power and comfort and they insult the honest poor cristi of being begging gypsies. Those who dont give value to the money because they steal it too much and they squander it for insipid things. Those who embarrass the poverty, they use the political ones to legislate really for self-advantage and against all the people, to which they continually ask for sacrifices. Those who revolve the taxes and they obligate to pay them to the unprovided ones with menace of sanctions in terms of banking usury, if they dont pay, if dont pay the amount of incomes that themselves use, then, to create own undue wealths. Those who get the most beautiful women, those who kid the humble ones, the consumers, the artisans, the workers, the families, the children that must go to school. Those who cheat the most ingenuous ones, they use the television to hand down idyllic fables of Italy, instead really all to reconstruct and to rottamare (renew it)! enzobenincasa.homestead/social_meditations.pdf Il sito di Gargione buongoverno.altervista.org/ Il mio unico romanzo enzobenincasa.homestead/romanzi.html Le mie riflessioni enzobenincasa.homestead/meditazionisociali.pdf Sign in... in english facebook/groups/governmentsbg/ Iscrivetevi e iscrivete i vostri amici al gruppo facebook/groups/buongoverno/ Iscrivetevi e iscrivete i vostri amici al gruppo facebook/groups/presidenzialismo/
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 22:54:02 +0000

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