I arrived at the Lake with Baba Michael..to meditate and - TopicsExpress


I arrived at the Lake with Baba Michael..to meditate and Pray....We needed to focus more...reflect Deeper.....As We sat by the water...Baba noticed a Dragonfly Nymph ( as he called it) moving by the water`s edge....It was an interesting Insect...without its wings..covered in what looked like moss...carrying a heavy and uncomfortable load on its back.....We watched it leave the water..and slowly walk onto the grass blades... trying to latch itself onto the them.....Baba Michael..who is quite knowledgable about Insects and Reptiles..saw that it was ready to go into Metamorphosis...It was Time it transformed into a Dragonfly......We became very still...and watched its difficult process...climbing onto the soft blades which bent and made it fall off back onto the ground.... We watched its Perseverance to continue looking...for the right place...until it finally found a hard and sturdy branch..in which it latched itself..and slowly began its process of Transformation....We sat in Silence...Mesmerized by this manifestation of Mama Earth...as the Dragonfly ...slowly..and Serenely began emerging from its shell....without hurry...without realization of NOthing else but its own Time and Intention....The wind would Blow...other insects would fly by and around the Dragonfly...but Nothing disturbed it...Nothing Moved it from its Space within.....We watched as it stayed ...hanging upside down on that branch for maybe an Hour....and little by little...it shed its Old skin..its old shell....Its Eyes emerging first...then..suddenly..its wings came cascading out of that small shell...transforming that odd looking insect into a thing of absolute Beauty....The transformation was complete.....The Dragonfly stayed Still..allowing the wind to dry its fragile wings...and blood from its abdomen was pumped into the rest of its body.......Baba Michael and I looked at each other...KNOWING how profound this Messenger was to Us at that Moment....It was the Reflection We needed..to have a Deeper understanding of Each one`s Journey of Change and Growth....This Beautiful Dragonfly showed Us how Serenity and Patience is a Part of Our own Process of Transformation....How Simple it can truly Be....and how WE are able...Just like the Dragonfly..to shed what burdens Us..what clutters our Lives with Heaviness.... Pain..and allow..at the RIGHT Time..to Come into our TRUE Splendor.....We were Truly Blessed to be present for such Beauty.... EVERYthing in Nature is Perfect....even that which seems otherwise....That is why...YOUR Process is also Perfect....and Your Time of Metamorphosis will also arrive...Be Still and Patient..for Your Spirit has always been a Thing of Beauty.....It is Within....YOUR Wings have always been ready to take flight..... LOVE and LIGHT..Beautiful Ones!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:49:08 +0000

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