I ask God to delay His return to the earth, and the day of wrath - TopicsExpress


I ask God to delay His return to the earth, and the day of wrath that is coming. I plead with God to give us more time. I tell God that there is a remnant, and more specifically a part of the remnant that are the children of the greatest generation. We grew up mostly in God fearing homes, with a father and mother. We had discipline and we knew what respect was. Yes a lot of us drifted away for a short or longer time, but many have returned... scarred but back by the mercy of God. The future is not as fixed as many may think. God can change His mind. God can change a time. It doesnt really matter... what matters is that we get up now and make a stand for God. Some have done so, many others need to also join us. It is upon no other group more than us to seize this day. It is because we know more than any other age group, what the truth is.. We have seen before our very eyes the falling away. We have wept over our nation and our children. We have been so very saddened by the loss of life of our soldiers and the murder of the unborn. I am telling you the truth, that if we will repent fully of our sins and turn now to the One True and Living God, and seek His Face, He will hear us from heaven and He will move on this earth as has never been seen before in history. Indeed all of creation is groaning that we will emerge, the sons and daughters of Almighty God and take the fight between good and evil to the enemy. If we will stand and fight, God will be with us. He will champion us. There is nobody that can stand against us and prevail... Our God is the Lord God of Heaven and Earth... the King of Glory and the King of Righteousness... His face shines as ten thousand hot suns and His Glory shines to the farthest reaches of the Universe... He is the LORD GOD and there is none like Him..
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 19:21:14 +0000

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