“I believe that God speaks to us through His Word, His Spirit, - TopicsExpress


“I believe that God speaks to us through His Word, His Spirit, and His people. In the times of my life when I’ve needed some course correction, most often I’ve heard His Word coming through someone who cared enough and loved me enough to sit down with me and say, ‘There’s something you need to change.’ Are you a teachable person? Proverbs 17:10 says, ‘A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool.’ In other words, you can get more ROI (Return on Investment) from a wise person in one gentle conversation than you can gain from a fool by whacking him with a board a hundred times. Which are you? If you’re not sure how you rate on the teachability meter, take this five-point quiz: 1. I know I’m teachable when people give me input. When people feel free to give you a word of improvement, it’s a good sign that you’re teachable. 2. I know I’m teachable when I see measurable growth and character development in myself. 3. I know I’m teachable when I don’t have to answer a critic with a defense. 4. I know I’m teachable when I don’t have to criticize back. 5. I know I’m teachable when I’m learning new ways to grow. Are you teachable? Ask someone who knows you well for their honest evaluation. And take their response to heart.” James MacDonald
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 09:56:10 +0000

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