I can always be wrong, Im not a preacher, or a pastor, or a - TopicsExpress


I can always be wrong, Im not a preacher, or a pastor, or a prophet, or a psychic. I dont have any knowledge that everyone else who has studied cant acquire for themselves. I show you how I arrive at all my conclusions so you can make your own decisions about these things. I can present you with scriptural possibilities, but I dont make predictions. Ill tell you right now that I have no idea precisely when Jesus is coming. Im watching for Him every single day - but I have nothing concrete as far as a date to offer you. I can fill you in about the next possibility that I see, and we can take a look at it and consider it. Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri was a 108 year old Chief Rabbi of the entire prophetic generation when he died in 2006. If God was going to tell ANYONE precisely WHEN He is coming, Kaduri would be the one. Hes the most logical candidate as the Chief Rabbi of Israel from before the birth of the nation all the way up to his death. Kaduri told one of His students that the messiah was coming on the 9th of Av, (thats our August 6th this year) but he didnt give a year at that time. In a separate prophecy, he said that the messiah would return after the death of Ariel Sharon, who wasnt even in a coma yet when the prophecy was given. IF Kaduris prophecy is accurate, the King would return on the 9th of Av (August 6th) this year since Sharon died in January of this year.....BUT, technically the prophecy would still be accurate if Jesus came next year, or the year after, or etc. The interesting thing about this prophecy is that we are about to find out if Kaduri really met the TRUE messiah, Jesus Christ. If He really did like He claims.......we might just find ourselves leaving the first week in August......:) Ill tell you what I really think........:) I already had evidence from the blood moons that shows the Tribulation period possibly COULD start around the end of July anyway....:) If not, it has to start by the end of 2014 from what my research shows. The tetrad confirms my results thus far, and so does our current prophetic status. Weve got a 77 year old antichrist......fulfilling prophecy so fast its astounding. These events will not hold off long. We need to be prepared for His arrival every single day now!!!! Will Jesus come for us on the 9th of Av?? I dont know.....I HOPE SO!!!! The 9th of Av is the day of Jewish Mourning for the previous two temples. They lost both of them on the very same day of the year. Thats important, because WE are the current temple. It would fit the pattern for Israel to lose the CURRENT temple (the children and believers) on that very same day. The King DID say that it would be a day when we think not. WHO out there is thinking the 9th of Av?? Most are thinking the Feast of Trumpets, which I have been able to eliminate from my possibilities. Were about to find out if Kaduris prophecy is accurate.....or if he was full of it. I DO tend to believe that he COULD be right, because no old Jewish Rabbi who has denied Jesus Christ all of his 108 years is going to suddenly change completely and confess that Jesus is the true messiah unless he really encountered the Savior. All the evidence right now points to the end of July....first week in August, although its entirely possible that this possibility will come and go like all those before it. All I can tell you is that ALL of the signs are there, the antichrist is on the scene, the apostasy is in full swing, and we are leaving!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 05:34:03 +0000

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