I can either choose to look at my health problems negatively, - TopicsExpress


I can either choose to look at my health problems negatively, which I have done many times because I just want to be cured, or I can see the blessings in them. Now, I have chosen to see the blessings that my ailing health has brought me. 1. I am compassionate of others pain. I know what it feels like to hurt almost constantly. so when others hurt, I can be there for them and give them the comfort they need. 2. If someone else is chronically ill, I am not going to judge them as so many do and call them lazy when they are just too tired to get even the simplest things done. Ive been there more times than I can count. I cannot tell you how many times I have had just enough energy to do my job and then come home to sleep, and I neglect everything else because I just do not have the energy to move any longer. Nobody can possibly understand that unless they live it themselves. 3. I understand invisible disabilities because I have them. With an invisible disability, you look good on the outside, but nobody kows your plight. Some even doubt you struggle at all. I have Chronic fatigue Syndrome and chronic systemic Candida. 4. I also have an overactive bladder and some bowel control issues. These issues have also helped me to have compassion on infants and those with special needs because I know what they go through because I have to wear diapers like they do. I can understand their discomforts and can relate to the embarrassment that others with normal cognitive abilities feel who have to wear diapers to manage medical problems. I have prayed that god would cure me, but he has not answered that prayer. Perhaps, it is his will that he uses me to touch peoples hearts in a way that the healthy cannot in order that I may bring these people to God andhelp them to learn the accurate knowledge that will give them life everlasting. If that is Gods plan for me, then I am willing to accept that.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:22:57 +0000

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