I can really relate to this article. I struggled a lot with breast - TopicsExpress


I can really relate to this article. I struggled a lot with breast feeding although I got help from the birth centre at every feed and even though we saw a lactation consultant. Charlotte wasnt latching right, she had a tongue tie, every time i breast fed she would hurt me, and Id even bleed when using the breast pump. I took phenugreek tablets, made tigers milk etc but after weeks of trying I then got sick. I wasnt eating enough calories, not getting enough sleep and then I had low milk supply issues aswell. My partner, family, midwife and doctor helped me to accept that it was okay if breast feeding wasnt for me and it wasnt wrong and I shouldnt feel guilty if I wanted to formula feed. The formula has been my saving grace but I still do 1-2 short breast feeds or pump per day, but in all honesty its probably just comfort sucking for her and bonding time for me. In the end so long as my baby is healthy and happy thats all that matters. I am a formula fed baby so it cant be all that bad. It also means that my family can share in her up bringing and I would not change that for the world. Exclusively breast feeding wasnt meant to be for me and Charlotte, but we are both happy to have formula instead.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:50:41 +0000

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