I cannot find words better than Egyptian Islamic theorist Sayed - TopicsExpress


I cannot find words better than Egyptian Islamic theorist Sayed Qutb’s to explain what I mean about things falling in order. Sayed Qutb says: “Our mission is not to reconcile with this pre-Islamic society or to show it loyalty for its pre-Islamic/ignorant traits that make it invalid for reconciliation. The first step on our path is to rise above this pre-Islamic society; its values and conceptions and to not alter our own values and conceptions, not even a little to meet that society half-way. For we are both at a fork path and if we take their path we lose our entire system and path. It is high time that every Muslim provide his head as a price for the announcement of the Islamic movement and unauthorized planning to build the Islamic regime, by whatever means necessary”. Have you ever read more beautiful words? “By whatever means necessary…” which means we could have burned the country down if Ahmed Shafiq had won the elections, for the Selmy document, the constitutional declaration, the revolution, Mursi and his legitimacy, or for the African Cup. The important thing is that we burn down the country and from the rubble we will build our state on the remnants of the land. So thank you to all those who cooperated with us from the state or the media or the kind people who always take the right side. For when we get what we want we will redefine this right. Do not weep, my dear reader, when you find your nation destroyed, crumbled, and torn apart for somewhere in the literature of the Brotherhood, their convictions, and sheikhs’ fatwas they consider a victory from God and support for Islam. So join us now instead of suffering later in the return of the police state. If you die, we will issue you a bond of forgiveness for your efforts with us.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 23:35:26 +0000

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