I cant believe I almost forgot to share this. A couple weeks ago - TopicsExpress


I cant believe I almost forgot to share this. A couple weeks ago the girls and I went to the south bend airport to pick up my in laws. While one of their suitcases came around the other did not. There was an elderly couple who suitcases didnt come around either. The elderly lady tiny and frail and the elderly man a heart condition and blood clot that he had to take special medicine for to be able to fly. Their son is a pilot for Delta and got them from Florida to Michigan so they could visit their hometown one last time. He had to fly another plane out of Detroit so he was unable to be with them the whole way. Anyway theyre sitting there as my in laws are already down at Delta trying to locate their bags. The elderly couple had no idea what to do, 2 TSA agents walked by and wouldnt even stop to fully answer their question rather rudely telling them they would have to go down to delta. Both in no condition to be walking that and not understanding what they are doing. So the elderly man says hes going to walk down to Delta to locate their bags, his wife immediately panics due to his health, she begged him not to, that they would find someone to help. I would have but I was watching my in laws bags and my children and didnt have enough hands to get everything down there. So I sat with the elderly lady waiting on her husbands return. Some time had passes and he wasnt back yet, neither were my in laws. Worried to death the same 2 TSA agents walk by laughing and acting all giddy, The old lady attempted to get their attention to see if one of them would please go make sure her husband didnt collapse on the way down to delta, Well again neither would stop to give her the time of day, made her cry in fact. That set me off, I got up and yelled to the agents. Excuse me, but do you honestly not mind making an old lady cry who is just concerned about her husband. They assumed she was going to ask about her bags again. A lady from the gift shop who had witnessed the events transpiring came over and stated her disbelief for the way they had treated her. Me still arguing with them for being so rude and disrespectful to someone in her condition. Shes crying, those TSA agents basically told me to mind my own business. So me queen make a scene stated my disappointment in the service provided by TSA. As 2 more female TSA agents were walking by. The only reason they stopped was because I had the attention of everyone around us making a plea for this elderly couple. So after causing a scene the girl from the gift shop said she would go see if the ladys husband was ok since that was all she wanted to know. Low and behold one of the female TSA then steps up and says no well help her. Broke my heart as this elderly woman sat there crying her eyes out. I hugged her and told her it would be ok and she needed to tell her son about the events that transpired. Wish I would have gotten their names, not a day has passed since then that I havent thought about her.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:48:32 +0000

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