I cant believe this crap with Rioting in Ferguson, MO. IF NONE of - TopicsExpress


I cant believe this crap with Rioting in Ferguson, MO. IF NONE of the circumstances were changed, except the officer was BLACK, there would be NO rioting. To hear all these African Americans asking, What do I tell MY Children? I suggest this: DO NOT rob convenience stores, Do NOT intimidate people or bully them to get things you WANT but wont pay for, DO NOT walk in the middle of the street like you OWN it...USE THE Fing Sidewalk! DO NOT try to punch out a cop as he sits in his car, and try to wrestle away his gun. DO NOT expect to be exempt from anything bad that then happens to you if you act like a thug. Michael Browns own actions directly lead to his death. Assassinate his CHARACTER? I think he did a good job of that himself. That being said....I hope that cooler rational minds can prevail over a MOB mentality, who use anything and everything but the TRUTH to advance their own agendas...whether its getting their own 15 minutes of fame, or that TV or Hair Extensions out of local businesses. The Mob wants to say that POLICE need to conduct themselves better. How about if the civilian population does the same, and act according to the rules society lays down? SIMPLE rules like using the crosswalk, using the sidewalk, PAYING for things instead of stealing. Co-operating with law enforcement who by the way, work EVERY day with the threat that their lives may end that day. If I GET pulled over by a cop, I do NOT expect better treatment simply because I am white. I roll the window down, show BOTH hands before he even gets up to the window. Thats called being cognizant of this officers stress level, and as a law abiding citizen, putting HIM at ease as much as possible to eliminate this kind of confrontation that killed Michael Brown. R.I.P.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:05:07 +0000

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