I cant even look at church or look from the sidewalk. Knowledge - TopicsExpress


I cant even look at church or look from the sidewalk. Knowledge report. I am short and do not want to ask for a jumpoline to be at the voyage. I should not be this upset. The way to happiness banners though are only confirmation that Amy behaves for reason. A precept should be added to the way of happiness that being fake and gold digging are not learned its taught and is an abomination as is discrimination against being a good Samaritan naturally taught by trying to end domestic and all forms of abuse. To deceive a brother in the church is worse than decieving your own brother bcuz brothers not in the church you can walk away from and lack of intelligence is an abomination. Not focusing on overts and ethics yet out casually being a wad with people that take away from focus and the right energy vibration and aura makes church with the right people wondering honor and help your parents and take care of yourself, safeguard and improve your soul honestly That means Aimee is not in love with Gage never was. Do not tell harmful lies EVER. That also means who walks with humanity always at the forefront and who has to be tough to teach some of the ignorant logics that have tried taking from people yet have done none of the work but think they are worthy of Toms attention bcuz they have the selfish is the new altruism look and knowledge of and people not swimming in their own lane better get off and stay off this page and social media and off the internet. Internet and social media etc are for honest people and honesty comes from within not who is around you bcuz dishonesty is learned and i rebuke every dishonest and i rebuke and bind away all criminals and i rebuke and bind away gages energy out of and off of everyone . I rebuke imposters and bind imposters away. I rebuke backtalkers mouths . I rebuke backtalkers actions of ignorance. I rebuke and bind away all the devils advocates from this planet. I rebuke and bind away the dark forces from this planet and out and away from people and children. I rebuke all forms of manipulation and bind it off and away.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:14:50 +0000

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