I cant let this day pass without thanking God for my Daddy. - TopicsExpress


I cant let this day pass without thanking God for my Daddy. One year ago, on the day before Easter,he was flown by helicopter to the hospital. He was a very sick man, and we came close to losing him. Its been a long and trying year for him, with many ups and downs, but God had greater plans for him and his life,and chose to keep him here.I still remember on the drive home, from opening day at PG ball park , pleading selfishly, and screaming to God, Please dont take my Dad! Hes my only parent, and I need him! Im beyond grateful that he didnt. All day Ive been reminded of the lyrics He Can Make A Way When There Isnt A Way, and the verse, With God ,ALL things are possible. I am filled with emotion, remembering back to last Easter, and not being able to spend it with my extended family for the first time in my entire life. This year truly means so much. Easter, has always been extremely special to me. Im always moved beyond words, thinking about our Lord resurrecting that day. The awe and amazement that all of the people mustve have experienced when he appeared. It literally gives me the chills. I couldnt think of a more appropriate holiday to be so grateful that He did rise again, and that He also did decide that my Daddy deserved more time on this Earth. Never give up on God. Even in your darkest hours, keep the faith. When its His will, truly, nothing is impossible. Thank you to all of you too. Facebook was such an important outlet for our family during our trying times last year. We knew that when we shared, and asked for prayers, that you all took it to heart, and did so. Also, for all of the MANY thoughts and encouraging words that you all shared. Daddy, I love you more than youll ever know. I look forward to spending Easter with you and our family tomorrow. Im so thankful for your life, and Im honored to be your favorite daughter.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 01:56:33 +0000

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