I caught the news today while I was cleaning a apt something with - TopicsExpress


I caught the news today while I was cleaning a apt something with which Ive only watch while getting a pedicure just cause its on or like today in someone elses home lol. In someways this is good and in some Im sure its not, but this is what it placed on my heart tonight read it or not its up to you. youtu.be/YPuzJFzXgU4 Jesus Freaks Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus: The Ultimate Jesus Freaks By: DC Talk Yes, I Believe in God She was 17 years old. He stood glaring at her, his weapon before her face. “Do you believe in God?” She paused. It was a life-or-death question. “Yes, I believe in God.” “Why?” asked her executioner. But he never gave her the chance to respond. The teenage girl lay dead at his feet. This scene could have happened in the Roman coliseum. It could have happened in the Middle Ages. And it could have happened in any number of countries around the world today. People are being imprisoned, tortured, and killed every day because they refuse to deny the name of Jesus. This particular story, though, did not happen in ancient times, nor in Vietnam, Pakistan, or Romania. It happened at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, on April 20, 1999. Do you believe in Jesus? Why? He knelt praying in the middle of the night in a garden where He and His friends often went. He had told His friends, “Pray that you don’t fall into temptation.” His prayer was, “Father, if You are willing, let this cup pass from Me. But if this must happen, I will obey Your will.” And then He prayed more earnestly. His sweat became as great drops of blood falling to the ground. Soon soldiers came to take Him. He was betrayed by a best friend into their hands. The gospel of John tells us that the guards asked for “Jesus of Nazareth.” When He answered, “I am He,” they were knocked to the ground by the power of His confession. Peter, another friend, tried to rescue Him by attacking one of the high priest’s servants and cutting off his ear. But Jesus rebuked Peter for his action, healed the servant’s ear, and submitted Himself to the soldiers. He could have easily escaped, but He chose to be obedient to His Father’s will. He was taken before the high priest, where He was questioned and beaten. Then He was sent before the local governor to be tried. The priests demanded that He be crucified because He had declared He was God. He was questioned again, but the governor could find no guilt in Him. Still, the others called for His crucifixion. The governor sent Him out to be whipped, hoping to appease the priests. The rest of the morning He was whipped and beaten beyond recognition. A robe was placed over His bleeding back, left until the lacerations dried to the cloth, and then it was ripped from His shoulders, reopening all of the wounds. Then they draped it over Him to begin the process again. They mocked Him as king of the Jews and made a crown of one-inch thorns, forcing it onto His head until the blood covered His face. Again He was brought before the governor. This time he didn’t ask the Pharisees and Sadducees, but he put it to the people, hoping they would show mercy on this innocent man. But the crowd called back, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” The governor washed his hands of the matter and turned Jesus of Nazareth over to the Roman guards for execution. Jesus bore the weight of His own cross upon the torn flesh of His back and shoulders as He stumbled up the hill outside of the city. He was then nailed to that cross, raised up for all to see, and left there to die. The book of Matthew tells us He could have called twelve legions of angels to free Himself, but He didn’t. He knew His sacrifice would pay the price for all mankind to be set free from sin and have the right to stand with God. He was buried in a borrowed tomb, but didn’t stay there long. On the third day He was resurrected from the dead, the keys of hell and death in His hands. He had paved the way for us to be born again, to become children of God, and to live forever with Him. Immediately following His death, His friends and disciples were greatly afraid and hid. But after His resurrection, Jesus came and visited them, comforting and encouraging them. After He ascended to heaven, on the day of Pentecost, He gave them the Holy Spirit. A new boldness rose up within them. Jerusalem saw them convert three thousand on the first day. Then they spread to the corners of the earth to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, no longer afraid. Every one of them except John was executed for proclaiming the name of Jesus. They never denied His name again. Heroes. Brave men and women who lay down their lives for someone else. The dying lieutenant turns to the young soldier for whom he has sacrificed his life. With his last breath he says, “Earn this.” The science officer exposes himself to excessive radiation to fix the ship, killing himself, but saving the lives of everyone else on board. The oil driller on an asteroid headed for earth tears the air hose from the younger man’s spacesuit, leaving him helpless and forcing him to stay behind on the shuttle. He then triggers the atomic bomb that splits the meteor, sacrificing his own life, but saving the world. Our culture understands heroism. But we don’t understand martyrs. Most of the martyrs in this book could have saved their own lives if they had been willing to deny Jesus Christ. We wonder, “Why didn’t they just say they weren’t Christians and live?” or “Couldn’t they just keep silent about their faith?” Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay his life down for his friends.” In ways that aren’t always obvious, these martyrs — these Jesus Freaks — have heroically laid down their lives for us. Why Did They Have to Die? Standing before King Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego proclaimed, “We do not need to defend ourselves to you. If you throw us into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from the furnace. He will save us from your power, O king. But even if God does not save us, we want you, O king, to know this: We will not serve your gods” (Daniel 3:16-18 NCV). Live or die, they would not deny their faith. In the last chapter of John, Jesus told Peter that he would die a martyr’s death someday. When Peter saw John standing behind Jesus, he asked, “Master, what’s going to happen to him?” Jesus said, “If I want him to live until I come again, what’s that to you? You — follow me.” (John 21:22 THE MESSAGE.) The purpose of this book is not to try to explain away the deaths of the martyrs, but to honor their conviction, commitment, and faith — and to build yours. Each of us must follow Jesus for ourselves. You may never have to face the decision of whether or not to die for your faith, but every day you face the decision of whether or not you will live for it. What About the Persecutors? Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44 NIV). On the cross He said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34 NKJV). As you read the stories in this book, you will also see a recurring theme: These men and women of God were more concerned with saving their torturers than their own lives. God has not called us to hate those who do evil, but to pray for them and bring them into His family as our brothers and sisters. Seeing It God’s Way Some deaths seem senseless — but God sees things differently than we do. As Tertullian, a Christian historian said, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” Some have been tortured because they refused to betray those who worked with them. Some have stood firm, knowing that if they gave in — even a little — it would undermine the faith of many. Some refused to be quiet because they realized their responsibility to tell the godless men around them of God’s love so they too could be saved. Some have simply been willing to lay down their lives for the One who laid down His life for them. We shall not end our lives in the fire, but make a change for a better life. Julius Palmer Burned at the stake in England 1556 This is the end. For me, the beginning of life. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Hung in Germany, 1945 For to me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better. Paul the Apostle Beheaded in Rome, 65 AD Heroic acts are often devastating, and there is a time for grief. But we must move on to discover the secret of the martyrs in this book. These believers were absolutely sure of eternal life. They were convinced that they were not ending their lives but exchanging their lives on earth for a life with their Lord in heaven. Throughout history, many have died so you could experience the faith and freedoms you enjoy today. You too can choose to stand strong. God will honor you and you will make a real difference in your world. Learn about these martyrs. Be encouraged by their heroic lives . And make your life count! Here are their stories: Remember the Lord’s people who are in jail and be concerned for them. Don’t forget those who are suffering, but imagine that you are there with them. Hebrews 13:3 CEV On Trial for Sharing the Gospel Anila and Perveen (these names have been changed to protect the individuals and their families) 17 and 18 years old Pakistan 1997 Anila met Perveen at school. As their friendship grew, Anila gave Perveen a Bible and taught her Christian songs. Perveen quickly learned Christian songs and began to teach them to her younger sister when her parents weren’t home. Perveen’s parents soon learned of the songs. Being strict Muslims, they were not happy about them. But rather than confronting Perveen right away, they had her younger sister try to find out where she was getting this Christian influence. Anila eventually invited Perveen to a Good Friday service. When the young Muslim heard the Gospel presentation, she immediately accepted Jesus. Perveen became very excited about her new relationship with Jesus and saw great changes take place in her life. She read her Bible and praised God boldly. Anila knew that, before long, her friend would encounter opposition from her family. Perveen’s parents were furious when they learned of her conversion. They had previously arranged for her to marry a Muslim man. When Perveen again refused, she ran away. When Perveen’s parents could not find her, they accused Anila and her pastor of kidnapping her. They had Anila arrested. Anila was slapped and beaten in front of her parents for over nine hours. Finally she was taken to prison. Anila’s pastor and his family were taken to prison on the following day. Anila and her pastor experienced horrible tortures in jail. She was whipped sixteen times (five times would make a normal man pass out). When they were released, Anila could not sit for two months, and her pastor could barely walk from the bruises on his hips and thighs. Perveen was later found by her family. In Muslim nations, children are often severely beaten for converting to Christianity. Others are killed by their own parents or siblings for apostasy, converting to another faith. To restore the honor of his family, Perveen’s brother stabbed her to death. He then turned himself in to the local authorities. As is not uncommon in such situations, he was eventually released without incident. Anila was then arrested on charges of kidnapping. She was imprisoned, then released on bail a little more than a month later. She and her family went into hiding, as their lives were threatened by radical Muslims. In May 1999, Anila was acquitted of all charges. Praise God for the prayers of faithful believers around the world! Continue to pray for her protection as she remains in hiding. “I have seen the world,” Anila said, “and it has nothing good. Jesus is my only peace.” There are hundreds, maybe thousands of other, similar stories that are never told of Christian children and teens being killed by their Muslim parents. Jesus said this would happen: Brothers will give their own brothers to be killed, and fathers will give their own children to be killed. Children will fight against their own parents and have them put to death. All people will hate you because you follow me, but those people who keep their faith until the end will be saved. Jesus (MATTHEW 10:21,22 NCV) Pray for these young believers, that God will protect them and strengthen them. Pray for their parents, that they too will come to know Jesus as Lord. And most of all, forgive their persecutors and pray for the Muslim people to find the love of Jesus Christ and be saved. Strengthened by Angels Ivan Moiseyev 18 years old U.S.S.R. 1970 Although he had never been there before, Private Ivan “Vanya” Moiseyev knew what awaited him at the Major’s office. The Communists were endlessly calling him to headquarters for talks, trying to “re-educate” him, to talk him out of his faith in God. It was lunchtime. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky and the snow was glistening. As Moiseyev walked along the snowy sidewalk, he praised God for this time alone, time to sing and pray. The morning was so bright, at first Moiseyev didn’t notice; suddenly, it caught his eye. A bright star began to fall from heaven. Like a comet, it came closer and became bigger and bigger. He looked up to see an angel above him, bright and powerful. Moiseyev’s heart was filled with joy — and fear. The angel did not descend all the way to earth, but hovered about two hundred yards above the ground. He walked in the air above Moiseyev as though walking along the same road. Then the angel spoke: “Ivan, go. Don’t be afraid. I am with you.” Ivan couldn’t speak, but his joy was like fire within him. Somehow he made it to Major Gidenko’s office and knocked quietly at the door. Major Gidenko, head of the Political Directive Committee, looked up as the young soldier entered. Ivan Moiseyev had been interrogated again and again by many others and had never backed away from his faith. Still, Gidenko was certain he could solve this problem. “Moiseyev, you don’t look like a poor pupil to me. Why are you not learning the correct answers?” he asked. “Sometimes there is a difference between the correct answers and the true ones,” Ivan answered. “Sometimes God does not permit me to give ‘correct’ answers.” “So, God talks to you? Who is this God of yours?” As soon as he had asked the question, Gidenko regretted it. Ivan leaned forward in his chair, his face glowing with joy at the opportunity to share his faith. “Sir, He is the One who created all the universe. He greatly loves man, and sent His Son....” Gidenko interrupted. “Yes, yes, I know the Christian teaching. But what has that got to do with being a soldier? Do you disagree with the teaching of the glorious Red army?” “No, sir.” “But you do not accept the principles of scientific atheism upon which is based our entire Soviet state and the military power of the army?” “I cannot accept what I know to be untrue. Everything else I can gladly accept.” “Moiseyev, no one can prove the existence of God. Even priests and pastors agree on that.” “Sir, they may speak about not being able to prove God, but there is no question about knowing Him. He is with me now, in this room. Before I came here, He sent an angel to encourage me.” Gidenko stared intently at Ivan. At last he spoke wearily, “I am sorry, Moiseyev, that you will not be reasonable. Your persistence will do nothing for you except bring discomfort. However, through the years I have found that men like you often come to their senses with a little discipline. “I am ordering you to stand in the street tonight after taps are played. You will stand there until you are willing to reconsider this nonsense about talking Gods and angels. “Since the temperature is likely to be thirteen degrees below zero, for your sake, I hope you quickly agree to behave sensibly. Tomorrow we shall make a plan together for your political re-education. You are dismissed.” Gidenko expected Moiseyev to hesitate, to reconsider. Instead, he squared his shoulders and walked quietly to the door. “Private Moiseyev!” When the soldier turned around, Gidenko noticed he was a little pale. Then he had understood the order! “You will obey my instructions in summer uniform. That is all.” That night, as the bugle sounded, Ivan made his way down the stairs of the barracks and into the snowy street. He recoiled from the icy blast of wind that burned his ears and made his eyes water. His thin, summer uniform was no help in the bitter cold. He glanced at his watch. It was one minute after ten o’clock. Tonight, he would have a long time to pray! But for the first time since he had been in the Soviet army, prayer did not come easily. He was worried. Could he stand out here all night? What if he froze to death? Would they let him freeze to death? What if he got so cold he gave in to their demands? The “what ifs” flooded his mind and left it spinning. He knew he had to think of something else. Then he remembered the angel who had visited him that morning. The angel had said, “Do not be afraid, I am with you!” Suddenly he realized the angel’s words had been for tonight! Although he could no longer see him, Moiseyev knew the angel was still there with him. He began to pray fervently. It was twelve-thirty when he was distracted from his prayers by the crunching of snow. Bundled in their overcoats, hats, and boots, three officers were slowly making their way toward him. “Private Moiseyev, have you changed your mind yet? Are you ready to come in and get warm?” “No, comrade officers. As much as I want to come in and go to bed, I cannot. I will never agree to remain silent about God.” Even in the dim light Moiseyev could see the officers were amazed and confused. How could he stand such cold? “Do you plan to stand out here all night long?” “I don’t see how anything else is possible, and God is helping me.” Ivan checked his hands — they were cold, but not too cold. He could still move his toes easily. It was a miracle! He looked at the officers and could see that even in their coats they were already shaking from the cold. They were stamping their feet and slapping their hands, impatient to return to their heated barracks. “You’ll feel differently in another hour,” the senior officer mumbled as they quickly turned away. Ivan continued to pray for all the believers he knew. He sang Christmas carols. He prayed for every officer he knew and knew of. He cried out to God on behalf of the men in his barracks. But gradually his mind seemed to be floating somewhere outside of his head. As much as he tried, prayer eluded him. Ivan was dozing on his feet when, at three o’clock, the senior officer on duty woke him and let him return to the barracks. For the next twelve nights, Ivan continued to stand in the street outside his barracks. Miraculously, he did not freeze, nor did he beg for mercy. Ivan continued to speak about his faith to his comrades and officers. He sang about the glory of Jesus Christ in his barracks, though this was strictly prohibited. To those who threatened him, he replied, “A lark threatened with death for singing would still continue to sing. She cannot renounce her nature. Neither can we Christians.” Soldiers around him were converted, impressed by his ardent faith. His commanders continued to interrogate him, trying to get him to deny Jesus. They put him in refrigerated cells. They clothed him in a special rubber suit, into which they pumped air until his chest was so compressed he scarcely could breathe. At the age of 20, Ivan knew that the Communists would kill him. On July 11, 1972, he wrote to his parents, “You will not see me anymore.” He then described a vision of angels and heaven which God had sent to strengthen him for the last trial. A few days later, his body was returned to his family. It showed that he had been stabbed six times around the heart. He had wounds on his head and around the mouth. There were signs of beatings on the whole body. Then he had been drowned. Colonel Malsin, his commander, said, “Moiseyev died with difficulty. He fought with death, but he died as a Christian.” The father of this Christian hero writes to us, “May it be that this living flower which gave the fragrance of its youth on the cross should be an example for all faithful youth. May they love Christ as our son has loved Him.” Letter from Vanya to his parents — written June 15, 1972 “My dear parents, the Lord has showed the way to me...and I have decided to follow it.... I will now have more severe and bigger battles than I have had till now. But I do not fear them. He goes before me. Do not grieve for me, my dear parents. It is because I love Jesus more than myself. I listen to Him, though my body does fear somewhat or does not wish to go through everything. I do this because I do not value my life as much as I value Him. And I will not await my own will, but I will follow as the Lord leads. He says, Go, and I go. “Do not become grieved if this is your son’s last letter. Because I myself, when I see and hear visions, hear how angels speak and see, I am even amazed and cannot believe that Vanya, your son, talks with angels. He, Vanya, has also had sins and failings, but through sufferings the Lord has wiped them away. And he does not live as he wishes himself, but as the Lord wishes.” We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary — we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit! Paul the Apostle Martyred in Rome, 65 AD (ROMANS 5:3-5 THE MESSAGE)
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 03:10:45 +0000

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