I checked in today at Aquafloat for my first ever float. At - TopicsExpress


I checked in today at Aquafloat for my first ever float. At check-in, the receptionist was sweet and not too new age in his approach. I was given some literature and asked to take a seat. The art work and decor was tasteful and interesting in the waiting room. The area was large and the seating was arranged to encourage intimacy between guests. This was a little awkward immediately after the float but not too much of a concern before. After a short time, I was brought into the tank room and given a quick explanation on hygene and procedure. It was explained that the water was thirty percent epsom salt, cycled three times, and uv light treated between each session to maintain strict health standards. This all sounded good and I was more than ready to get naked and float. After the guide left, I quickly showered and climbed into the pod. The room and water temp was warm and I was comfortable at all times. I was more than a little conscious of being naked in a strange place but the room had a clinical feel and that soon passed. I shut the pod lid and turned out the light. I immediately became aware of every scratch on my body. The stinging was actually pretty intense which gave me something to concentrate on while I adusted to the strangeness of my new situation. I then focused on the lack of light and how it made being enclosed a lot easier to bear. After deciding that I didnt feel claustrophobic, I started to think about how I felt like I was being carried. I also noticed that my body was resisting the float and that I was tense. I made a conscious effort to relax and explore my environment. I gently moved around the tub and soon began to accept the quiet and darkness. A lovely feeling of weightlessness came over me. I then concentrated on taking deep calming breaths and willed myself more deeply into a relaxed state. To my surprise, I fell asleep. I awakend slowly and checked the time. I had been floating for over an hour and felt completely relaxed. I started doing roll call on all my aches and pains. I listened to all the things that usually popped and cracked do the same but this time with a lessened amount of discomfort. My poor arthritic toes that I torture when running seemed more flexible all of a sudden and my aching lower back and calf muscles not as sore. I started to twist and stretch gently. It seemed as if I had become more flexible with the absence of pain. I continued to move around the tub slowly. I dont know if this would be considered proper float technique, but I was happy. At the risk of sounding odd, I started to think of it as a rebirth of sorts. I think this was the point where I decided that I was quite pleased with the whole experience and would do it again. After ninety minutes, the lights came on, and I was ready to step into a warm shower conveniently located within the same room. All soaps, lotion, and towels were thoughtfully provided. I dressed and returned to the waiting area. Again, the only bit of awkwardness was in the seating arrangement after experiencing something so personal and intense. I did feel the need to sit after my float, so I will just have to find a more isolated spot after my next session. I hope my share helps in making the decision to float an easy one. For me, it was great! #aquafloat #deeprelaxation
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 02:51:34 +0000

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