I could not put this better Status Update By Karen Martin I - TopicsExpress


I could not put this better Status Update By Karen Martin I think its fair to say that this has been one of the single most emotional weekends of my life! On Friday I was devastated, absolutely heartbroken, and couldnt see beyond the total contempt I felt for my fellow Scots who had voted NO, and denied us our right to Independence! I posted long rants to that effect, pouring out my heart about how I, and many others, felt over the result! We couldnt understand how our fellow countrymen and women couldnt see that what they were being offered by the three stooges was a vow of nothing, an illusion of something that would never materialise, power to do nothing! They even packaged and wrapped up nothing, to be delivered in an agreed timetable, which was to be produced on Friday. Well that didnt happen, so the very first of their promises and vow was broken! It didnt bode well for what was to follow! Finally, the biggest liar of them all was rolled out, Gordon the NHS is safe Brown, told them with authority they would receive the sun, the moon, and stars, and they fell hook line and sinker. The people who were fearful for their pensions, believed the very man who had raided them when serving as Chancellor, and the trap was set! Against this background of lies, fear, and utter contempt for Alex Salmond, a man vilified beyond belief, and whos boots none of them were fit to lick, they voted NO, ensuring we would be remembered in the history books as being the first race ever in the history of civilisation to reject our Independence, and become the laughing stock of the world, or so I thought! But what has transpired since that result have shown that we have become anything but the laughing stock I thought wed be. News reports from around the world, real unbiased news reports, have marvelled at the fact we even managed almost half the vote when we were up against relentless partisan press and media, and outright lies by all three Westminster parties, as well as suggestions of vote rigging. They have seen the truth of the matter, and Westminsters reputation lies in tatters. The irony of watching a Russian news report to get an accurate picture of the referendum wasnt lost on me, and Im sure many others feel the same. One news report from America yesterday particularly struck a cord with me, when the reporter being interviewed stated that he thought the Scots were probably naive to believe they could win their Independence, as there was too much at stake for Westminster, and they would never allow that to happen. He said Westminster treats the Scots like mushrooms, they keep them in the dark and feed them poop!. That way the oil money can continue flowing south. Not a very subtle analogy, however, it is an accurate one. Perhaps we were naive to believe that Westminster wouldnt interfere in the democratic process, but we have learned from this process what we need to do in order to win, we are now organised, we understand the power of social media, we know now who we need to target, and how to reach them, and above all we have come to believe in our sense of self worth, and realise that we no longer live in a democracy. As Ive said previously, the first of the promises had already been broken within hours of the final results, and what followed has only reinforced our resolve, and already convinced so many No voters of their folly. Scotland has basically been put on the back burner, as Cameron and his cronies try to appease our English, Welsh, and N. Irish neighbours with powers for themselves, and then, and only then, will the Scots get anything on the back of those plans! So all in all the Scottish Referendum has been good for everyone in the UK, except the Scots! Instead we will be punished with sever cuts to our budget and evermore austerity measures. Already the likes of Jack Straw has stated their intention to try and force legislation preventing Scotland from voting for Independence again in the future. However what he, and many of our fellow Scots fail to understand is that we are a country and not a region, and it is our right to revisit, and demand a referendum on Independence. However, I now believe that we can turn this travesty around. I feel invigorated, and once again full of hope that together we can make this dream happen. The Labour party in Scotland are finished, and at the next election we need to let them know that by giving each and every one of them their marching orders. They underestimated the cost of going to bed with the Tories to rob us of our right, and failed to understand the depth of feeling that act would produce, and we need to wipe them off the political face of Scotland for doing so. We must unite behind the SNP, regardless of our feelings about them, we must be tactical, to give them a mandate to have another crack of the whip, and demand another referendum. This will take time, but if we stand together it wont be the once in a generation timescale that has been muted thus far. That wont be easy for some, but if the likes of Tommy Sheridan can put aside his personal feelings, and indeed his own party for the greater good, then surely we can too? I feel I can now look forward with hope for a better future, and confidence that we can make this happen. Saor Alba.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 23:22:41 +0000

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