I define an Enlightened Experience as a moment in time when one or - TopicsExpress


I define an Enlightened Experience as a moment in time when one or more of the follow things occur: 1. Time seems to stand completely still. 2. An overwhelming sense of peace and calm comes over you. 3. Warmth and Love flow through your entire body and being, giving you a feeling of safety and security. 4. You feel for a moment as if your body has united with the very air and space around you. 5. A sense of calm that seems to come from the idea that youre part of something greater than yourself comes over you. 6. You feel highly aware and attentive, yet completely tranquil and relaxed in the world around you. 7. You KNOW in your heart and mind that all is well and perfect in this very moment. 8. An overwhelming sense of COMPASSION floods through you. 9. A spark ignites in your mind and you EXPERIENCE the fact that there IS another way to see the world. 10. You smile and feel lighter; your senses are heightened, as if being raised to a higher place. These are examples of the so-called ecstatic experience that cultures throughout history have built imaginary worlds and ceremonies around to help their citizens create an experience of getting outside themselves, or of completely letting go. The society we live in today however, denies these experiences to the fullest. Those that even SEEK to have some sort of awe-inspiring experience that is not a mass marketed, advertised, participation at some theme park or adventure vacation are shunned and thought of as weird. But not you and I... We know in our hearts and minds that there is MORE to life than living in the rat race of focusing all of our lifes energy on seeking the next exciting Tweet, Super Bowl halftime show, Coca-Colas latest diet-drink release, or the latest purse design from Chanel. Of course these are all PARTS of our life and rooting for a favorite sports team in a group setting and exploding with the excitement of a win, is in fact part OF the ecstatic experience we seek. However, contemporary society tells us that THAT is the be all and end all. The great sages of history have said time and again, that it only in STILLNESS, and in the deepest of connections to our most personal and relevant self, that we can experience any true sense of truth and deep personal significance in our lives. That it is from THIS inner truth of love and compassion that we can THEN connect with the people in our lives, and the world around us in a way that does not force us to see them merely as objects from which to get our needs met. Our current culture teaches us to see everyone and everything as essentially an item from which to GET something for ourselves. Mike Evans
Posted on: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 06:24:32 +0000

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