I desire for my life to be one that contributes in a positive way - TopicsExpress


I desire for my life to be one that contributes in a positive way to humanity, to fulfill the needs of others, and not just my own, but Ive been wrestling with fleshing anything out enough to actively pursue it. An idea my mind keeps circling around though, is to establish public libraries, in parts of the world that have little to no access to books, and especially in areas of the world, where governments are essentially afraid of their citizens, especially girls and women, being educated, because they know that knowledge is power. More public libraries, and literacy programs, would mean more people would have the opportunity to educate themselves, expand their knowledge, and grow, at their own pace, regardless of age, race, or class, and this in itself, is one of the antidotes to poverty, something that affects more than 3 billion people. I would have never been able to read, but a few books a year at best, if it hadnt been for public libraries, and I wouldnt be who I am today without books. Im incredibly indebted and grateful for the education I was able and am still able to provide for myself through reading and free resources. If I pursue this, it will be a huge undertaking, I could never do it alone, and I wonder if I could do it at all, but the only way to be sure of failure is if I never try. If I decide to, (and do forgive me for using you all as my sounding board sometimes), I will do it with hearty fervor and see where it goes. I dream of the day when books become a right and not a privilege.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:03:32 +0000

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