I did a session this summer. In this session energies of Lord - TopicsExpress


I did a session this summer. In this session energies of Lord Shiva came. At the end of the session the person felt intense cold & he had to be wrapped with 2 blankets. It took about 30 minutes for this person to become normal. Part 1 of Lord Shiva’s session Lord Shivas energies come in the body of Satish & speak through latter’s body. Incidentally the most prominent questions e.g. real truth of life, role & meaning of the human body, role of ‘Maya’ the myth -which gives temporary short-lived human body to us all (as it lives only for some time & eventually gets destroyed & disappears upon death), man’s endless worldly desires which only multiply with period of time & the false proud of owning worldly items like house, car, other belongings etc., man’s little knowledge & poor approach on the subject of ‘Atam Gyan (could be termed as ‘knowledge of one’s soul’), lack of understanding of the dire need of real ‘Moksh’( the state where one gets blessed by the Almighty God for staying away from the cycle of life & death, where soul gets rid of the misery a man suffers from being born only to later die & stay in sorrow, sadness , & melancholy all his life)- also called emancipation, liberation or release from the cycle of death & rebirth. In epistemological & psychological sense, ‘Moksha’ connotes freedom, self-realization & self-knowledge, -have been very well answered by Lord Shiva in his conversation with the therapist (Manish). Lord Shiva explains to Manish using Satish as medium that all that is visible to us is a Maya (myth). It is not true. It is all false. Manish understands & endorses the view & expresses that we all do not even realize how many lives we live in the very myth Shiva is talking about. Shiva says this is a strange phenomenon God has set in, which nobody understands. All this is HIS(God) creation & that HE is present in this which is HIS own creation of falsehood. All is His creation & there is nothing without HIM not even you & me. All belongs to Him the creator, the producer, the very cause of existence of that is here. We only occupy different seats/roles, all do not understand this fact. All what happens is initiated & controlled by Him(God), We are merely mediums. Changing the subject, Manish turns the topic of the talk to Satish’s friend- Deepak- who is not able to decide between the 2 options he is having at this moment in life. Shiva explains there is no problem in his life; the path is clear & that is to be followed by him as by all others. People do not follow, they do not wish to take steps & move forward, they think more & do little. Simply sitting does not help. Action is necessary. The path for each of our life is pre- destined. We do face turns on the road. Understanding the right & wrong turn & then turning on the right path is essential. Just stopping at the crossing is not the answer. Moving forward on the correct path is of utmost importance. God guides but to our dismay we realize that people do not wish to learn anything, Manish asks then is this also not God’s own creation called ‘Maya’ (illusion)? Baba continues, Maya covers the entire universe, that is to say, the whole world is under the spell of Maya- the myth. Till such time that maya’s influence is not removed, one cannot understand the truth, the reality. Everything in this world happens only with the wish & orders from the Almighty God. All have originated from Him & have also to return back to Him only. There is a lot to learn. One should take life as it comes & do what is required without stopping. If once activities stopped it would mean cessation of progress. Baba says look at water, so long as it flows it stays clean & when it stops flowing it gets dirty & bad & starts stinking. Only flowing water stays clean so is man’s life also. Move on & don’t stop is the lesson for Deepak too. Baba later touched the subject of ‘Atam Gyan’ (could be termed as ‘knowledge of one’s soul’), which he advised, had great significance & that it had to be acquired only from within oneself & not from outside. It can’t be searched from outside. What you may get with your search from outside may pertain to someone else & not you. Baba stressed the importance & need for Atam Gyan & that these (Deepak & others) people should know about it thoroughly well. The next question Manish puts to Shiva is about the bad relations that Satish has with his mother & is it carry-forward from the previous life or there is some other cause for the same. Shiva explains that all come from different levels & as the time passes things crystallize & understanding becomes easy. The two are from different levels hence the so called misunderstanding between the two. All cannot be reborn with the same level & possessing compatible qualities. Time however plays an important role to sort out problems. Also different people take different length of time to understand the affairs. Some take less number of births/lives while others take thousands of births/lives & still gain little knowledge about certain matters. There is no uniformity in these affairs. One common thing about all those who are born in this world, however, is that all are in illusion due to the effect of ‘Maya’. Maya is the big ‘Cheat’. None escapes unaffected from the influence of the cheat ‘Maya’. In general, people are often heard referring to or talking about ‘my son, my house, my wealth, my motorcar, my body’ & so on, as if all these items belong to them. In reality, however, nothing belongs to them. All these are temporary, perishable & prone to disappearance in little time. ‘My body’ words refer to the human body which has not been given for this purpose. The objective for which the body has been given is altogether different & it is for a great purpose. It is for searching the ‘Atam Gyan’. That is why, endorsing the views, Manish, refers to the sacred words ‘Hari Mandir’ given to the body at times (Hari Mandir implies worshiping place for God). Meanwhile, Baba, giving a nod by his hand touching his forehead tells that God lives right in your body & not outside in the temples where people go & blow bells loudly thinking that God would listen to the bells only if blown loudly. Is He deaf for that matter? He questions. In the temple, Baba continues, you don’t find God -what you find there is His manmade statue; no body tries to look for God from within where He is. People on the contrary would go & offer money etc. in the temple hoping to get blessings from HIM. You have to search for Him from within & not from outside, Baba guides. With extremely skilled craftsmanship & dexterity HE has made human body which includes innumerable tiny parts? None other than God can & is doing all this. The soul comes from Him. My soul, yours as well as all other’s souls have originated only from God –the Almighty. In fact, Baba adds, He is present even in the smallest piece of any item- a small piece of dust or stone only that this phenomenon’ secret needs to be properly realized & understood. Baba advises that reading cannot help in this case. In fact, he proceeds on to say too much, reading generates ego in the person. Egoistic person is prone to indulge in bad deeds. Rather than reading/studying the subject it is important to get practical experience of that. Baba hastens to add: - that he himself is not educated. Having gained experience, one should try to attain ‘ Moksh’. There are so many religions currently seen worldwide. Are they doing any good for humans? One religion with the sole aim of attaining ‘Moksh’ should be there & nothing else. There is need to have only one objective, one goal, one aim & that is to attain ‘Moksh’ & nothing else. Any efforts made to attain ‘Moksh’ result in karma which is selfless karma with no desire to receive anything in return. Apart from that whatever is done that ends up adding to your Karmic balance. When anybody decides & gives make donations to the poor, the donor adds to his karma & in turn gets reward by return of the donated figure. The poor donee turns rich later in the next life & returns to the donor who would turn poor. This cycle continues & entangles in itself all those who indulge in donations of giving & receiving. Donations therefore do not help in obtaining ‘Moksh’ on the contrary these only entangle you more in karma. Donations result in tying the donors/donees & therefore take the two away from ‘Moksh’. When the donation is made without any expectations, then & only then no addition happens to the Karmic account. Maya & Moh (attachment with other souls) is where the humans remain entangled. He compares life to grinding stones. He emphasizes that in the wheels of duality nothing stays. However he recalls Kabir’s disciple- ‘Kamala’ quotes ” CHALTI CHAKKI DEKH KAY HANS DIYA KAMALA THATHAI, DOE PATAN KAY BEECH MEIN JO KHUNTI SANG LAGI RAHE WOHI SABUT BACHI JAAYE”- meaning Kamal cheers looking at the grinding stones, one who attached himself with centre (Pivot) never perishes. Shiva says these two ruin all sparing none. The two grind all; we (meaning Masters in the higher planes) are pained to learn all this. You never know, he continues, for how long & how many lives has this grinding exercise continued. The tragedy is that people don’t listen. Manish tries to find out from Baba if this attitude of the people is the cause which explains why there is so much of misery & pain in the living world- on the Earth. Shiva explains it is not merely the Earth where the misery is present; there are many other places which too suffer with the same problem. However, he adds that time is close now & there is going to be too much ‘Light’ which, he clarifies, is referred as ‘high energies’ which are increasing on this planet & a new era is fast approaching.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:01:37 +0000

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