I did not enjoy grade school. I felt pressure to conform to a - TopicsExpress


I did not enjoy grade school. I felt pressure to conform to a system that did not suite me very well. I felt like an outcast even within the social groups that accepted my presence. My grades were not overly poor and neither was my attendance. I participated in musical theater and made attempts at participating in sports. I smoked cannabis in high school because it helped me deal with my anxiety and depression at the time, and because of this and my tendency to skip about 1 class a day I was labeled a trouble maker by the principle and vice principle. There was a Zero Tolerance policy at my high school and many trouble students were removed, unless as it seemed to me they had mental handicaps, severe drug problems, were poor, or lived in troubled house holds. One day a group of people I knew and myself went for a walk to smoke cannabis and we were rolled upon by some police officers and the vice principle and we were all kicked out of high school. My family and I decided to appeal to the school board to try and keep me in school but we were declined. I gave up on the system and chose to find my own path in life. I worked construction jobs and warehouse jobs which made me miserable. I woke up everyday wondering if there could be more to life, because if there wasnt I did not want to continue. That is when I discovered the EDM and conscious communities. I immersed myself in different aspects of the communities; meditation, dance, music production, crafting, sound healing, flow arts, theoretical and quantum physics. It was here that I found my voice and my passions. Until then I had felt invisible, like any problems I was going through didnt matter, like I had no voice or way to stand up for myself, like I was just going lose my sense of self in societal conformity. Now I feel so free! I chose to start working for myself making jewelry, and lost myself in my passions. I found myself and found a community of people following a similar path, a community of loving and accepting people who love to celebrate each other and life. I learn at my own pace and I learn about things that inspire me. I put forward the intention to grow and find myself more and more every day. I no longer feel depressed, and rarely feel anxious or sad. I also no longer require the use of cannabis to deal with my anxiety. My capacity to love myself and others grows every day. Today and every day now I choose to celebrate my growth and transformation and I encourage you to do the same. If you are feeling lost and alone and without passion please reach out to me, I love and accept you and want to see you happy and free. Life can be enjoyable! We are not meant to be invisible, we are meant to find our passions and lose ourselves in them and share them with the community. I am here for you. I love you all so much. Thank you for accepting me, seeing me, and hearing me. I am not telling you what your path is, this is my path, your path may be completely different. In these times of great transformation nearly anything is possible. Let us join together and create the world that we want to live in!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:44:11 +0000

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