I didnt think this week could get any crazier as it is fair time - TopicsExpress


I didnt think this week could get any crazier as it is fair time for the Davis household. All three kids are taking pigs to the fair so that makes it a family affair. Tomorrow was supposed to be a day of work and dropping pigs off at the fair. However, I received a call from my Seattle oncologist tonight and he said that a spot had opened on the clinical trial on which he had me on the wait list. I dont know a whole lot yet but it didnt take a rocket scientist to determine that he would prefer me to join the trial if possible. As he stated, the chemo I am on appears to be keeping the cancer at bay but this new trial is promising. If he is entertaining a move to this new treatment he must have hope it could do better. Additionally, we could always go back to the current regimen. That being said, we have decided to try to go after this trial. If I dont take the spot now I might not get another chance. Because of this, my Wednesday plans have just changed. Instead of hauling pigs I will most likely be driving to Seattle tomorrow to sign a consent. Its a long drive but worth it if I can get in the trial. The one big roadblock to the trial might be the chemo I am on. My doc has to talk the clinical trial coordinator into letting me take the spot even though I just had chemo. There is a washout period that I have to satisfy to join. This is all new information to me so please pray things work out as needed. My hope to beat this is solely in Gods hands so I pray that this might help do the trick. Ill post more as I know more. I am not looking forward to a roundtrip to Seattle tomorrow but if that is what it takes I wont hesitate. They really wanted me to get there ASAP so I know there is a sense of urgency. As for how I am feeling, I have been feeling quite well since the last infusion but I got a good dose of reality and my limitations yesterday. Last night we decorated at the fair and after about 30 minutes I was pretty fatigued and had to sit down. By the time I made it home I was extremely fatigued so I laid down and slept on the couch for a couple hours. When I woke up I had a fever that I feared would land me in the hospital. I managed to get it to break and woke up this morning with a normal temp but it was a great reminder that I cant push it. I am not the man I used to be.......especially while on chemo. Thanks for the prayers, taking every as a blessing.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:13:01 +0000

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