I do not doubt that ISIS is doing all the horrible things that are - TopicsExpress


I do not doubt that ISIS is doing all the horrible things that are said about it. (Although I am cautious about accepting *any news report* or *personal account* as true when a war is on or being proposed). What I doubt is that the US is capable of doing anything about it. I am also very uncertain that the future history of a group that is only two years old can be projected. Dont people recall all the projections made about the future of al-Qaeda? The US has continually and repeatedly made the wrong assessments about the middle east. It would have been better to have allowed Mossadegh to stay in power in Iran in 1953. It would have been better to have undermined Nasser in 1956. It would have been better to have allowed the USSR to occupy Afghanistan in 1979. It would have been better not to have been scared out of Beirut in 1983. Probably the war in 1991 was unavoidable and George H.W Bush. made the correct calls. Probably there was no way to avoid the war in Afghanistan after 11 Sept 2001, but it would have been better for George W Bush to have spent time on the proper reconstruction of Afghanistan, rather than (as happened) having no item in the budget proposed for Afghanistan after the defeat of the Taliban. It would have been better not to have invaded Iraq in 2003. It would have been better not to have disbanded the Iraqi army. Time and time again the US has made the wrong call in the Middle East under both Democratic and Republican presidents. It has always done so in a blizzard of moralistic journalism, deliberate campaigns of misinformation both in the US and launched by actors in the region - none of whom can ever be trusted even when they are in the right. Why on earth would anyone think that the situation is different now? By all means give immigration visas to the fleeing populations, give massive aid to Turkey which is indeed, and fairly heroically, providing shelter and safety to fleeing Christians and others. Perhaps even unblock aid funds to Iran which is almost certainly helping Shia refugees. And provide materiel to the Iraqi Army in the south of Iraq. But what part of the language of military advisors, defending American interests, do people fail to recognise from the American induced disasters in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Vietnam?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:26:18 +0000

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