I do not know who this is for and I do realize it is rather - TopicsExpress


I do not know who this is for and I do realize it is rather long... However, this is for someone out there that desperately needs it.... God revealed to me that whereas sometimes we think He does not care about us or our issues because of the severity of it and the pain we are going through. After all how can an all knowing and all loving God allow this to happen. This is further from the truth than we know. The answer is our free will and distance from Him in our hearts. God is love and He knew you even before you were formed in your mothers womb, after all He took intimate time and detail to create you to be the unique person you are. But in a culture which does not know God (Love), our number one choice tends to be to actively and even at times violently avoid Him (Love). While He desires that NONE should perish, all we can think of is what is right in front of us neglecting the fact that there is greater powers at work than what we can even begin to comprehend. So we get angry with Him and turn our backs on Him (Love), after all in our minds all we can think about is look what He (Love) has put us through. Meanwhile He (Love) is being patient and waiting for His beloved creation would return home back to Him (Love) where they belonged all along. You are that creation, the Bible tells us in that God so LOVED the world that He (Love) gave His (Loves) only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him (Love) shall not perish but have everlasting life. Even when God allowed Satan Himself to test Job, one of His (Loves) best servants, it was all for love. The devil was prowling like a lion to find some way to compromise love, it is what he does (tries to destroy it will all his being). But God (Love), in all His wisdom said what about Job have you tried to test Him? God allowed the devil to test him?!?! It sounds obserd, how could that be for the sake of Love? The truth is that it was for Gods (Loves) glory. God knew that Love was mightier than anything the devil could try, even Jobs worst fears coming to pass. God (Love) knew that their relationship to each other was what would prevail not the scemes of the enemy! God (Love) knew that when true Love is tested it is not destroyed but refined. At the end of Jobs story God lavished him with gifts because of the tests that he endured. However, the true blessing wasnt in the gifts but in the strength that came from knowing the depths of the relationship that he had with the creator. To know that the creator had enough trust in their relationship to know that no matter what Job would never forsake Him or their relationship. Sounds to me that, that day Job got a very real revelation knowledge that few get on the depths of what true Love is and that is priceless. For the majority of us though our problem is not that of Job. Unfortunately, the problem is that we have not known the very God (Love) which our souls cry out for to fill the void in our lives. Therefore, the ways of God (Love) are foriegn to us. This is why the Bible tells us that many are the plans of a mans heart but the end thereof is death. It is the very reason we reject His (Loves) commandments and in doing so reject Him (Love). Thus, when the harshness of a life without Him (Love) comes against us, we falter and blame Him (Love) when it was our own hearts wicked desires all along. Yes, the desires of our hearts are deceitfully wicked! I know that might be hard for some to accept but its the truth. How could they be anything else but wicked with the absence of Love (God) in them. It is the very reason we often turn to other things to satisfy us, but the problem is those things are perverted versions of what they were intended for causing more pain and hurt. This is why God (Love) gave His (Loves) one true Son. It is why He (Love) calls us to repent and turn from our sins. This is why not only does God care very much about what goes on with us but He took a moment out of eternity itself to come in our form, with all its frailty just to make provisions for our rescue back to a relationship with Him. #HolySpiritFire #FireInMyBones #Reconcilation #TruthAboutLove #DontBelieveTheLies #BeSetFree
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:45:17 +0000

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