I dont Know what the Government of Kenya is Doing in Kibera all - TopicsExpress


I dont Know what the Government of Kenya is Doing in Kibera all this week . Slum poverty is a kenyan shame ,Its a reflection of bad Governace we had for 50 years ,Its not a problem of Raila as some people tries to tie this poverty on his neck for political advantage ,What can we say of the whole City of Nairobi which is a Slum and Its the seat of Government ?Problems we face in Slums ,Arid areas ,Rural areas ,in Hospitals ,security ,traffic jam ,food and diseases are equally the same ,Accept that Kenya as a country is a failure of all and unless we try to solve these issues as people ,we will always find flimsy reasons like to accuse others who had or very little power to change the poverty we are now trying to use to political reasons .Even Moi ,Kibaki&raila were better on the Issue of Slums ,Moi made attempts to construct High rise cheap homes around Kibera and Majengo Slums ,So is Kibaki and Raila who built a few homes cheaply for slum dwellers ..To mislead the public that carrying a few folks and Jembes ,play with human waster sewers is working or improving anything is taking a joke too far and dismissing poverty of our people at face value ..If Uhuru went there to deliver a few new flats to these Slum dwellers built by his Government in the last one year ,I could have Joined him there in a celebration mood ..and give him a thumb as an head of state who cares about his people .Sideshows NO. Misery of the slum dwellers of Kibera has been turned into a policy of Jubilee Government to Dismiss Poverty ,Showcase all nothing posture of Cleaning a Filthy Dirty open sewers full of Human waste with bare hands ,If the Government of Kenya was interested in Solving the current slum problems ,they could have come up with cheap building methods and construct decent homes for these people ,For me I dont see what the Government of Kenya is Doing in Kibera .Do you ?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:22:27 +0000

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