I dont imagine that all Jews are bad. They arent, simply. The vast - TopicsExpress


I dont imagine that all Jews are bad. They arent, simply. The vast majority are omegas like most of humanity. I do believe however that there is an elite of Jews who have caused some terrible things to happen. Specifically the rise of Lenin and the overthrow of the Czar and his Royal Family. It absolutely was a product of high level Jewish-American financiers up to & including Baron Rothschild. What resulted from that was 76 years of domination of Eastern Europe and a Cold War. Today, its descendant Putinism, a cult of personality like Stalinism Lite is emerging today. The very same families today are associates of the Democratic Party and are positioned to do to America what they did to our World War One ally, the Russian Royal Family and Mother Russia itself. We cannot ignore these families for fear of being called anti-Semites. These families are not even Semitic people but Ashkanazis, a Bulgar race that by Talmud Law cannot be Jewish. They are converts which simply is knaught supported by the teachings of the Talmud. This is knaught to support pogroms against the Jewish peoples themselves. It is knaught about them. It is about an elite of agenda driven power brokers who happen to have one thing in common and that is that they are Jewish. A good comparison is Italians. The greater part of Italians have not a thing to do with the Mafia. And the greater part of Italians revile Mafia and pray for their destruction. These Mafia figures claim to be Roman Catholics also. We do knaught propose pogroms against Italian citizens for the crimes of the Mafia through the ages or pogroms against Catholics either simply because the Mafia families were Catholics. We are knaught anti-Italian by speaking out against the Italian Mafia. But if you speak out against the Jewish Mafia, they immediately brand you as a Nazi and of course an anti-Semite. They are a criminal cabal aka a Mafia. The Italian Mafia will kill you themselves if you reveal their deeds. The Jewish Mafia is much more canny, it will have others kill you for revealing their criminal misdeeds. First comes the character assassinations, if that fails, next comes the hired assassins. The Italian Mafia lacks what the Jewish Mafia has, the ability to shield itself from prosecution by simply raising the spectre of Anti-Semitism. Yet this same Jewish Mafia knaught only did knaught suffer the concentration camps of World War 2 but also profited with their corporations such as I.G. Farben that produced the very gas, Zyklon-B that Jew & Gypsy were exterminated with and I.G. Farben used massive amounts of Jewish slave labour to operate these industries of death. Everyday Jewish people should be cautious in condemning as anti-Semite those who make it our mission to destroy all Mafia families. Mafia come from a range of countries. They have reached to the highest levels of Government. They have been made Barons & Knights. But for all that, they are despoilers of humanity. Their fortunes have been wrought with causation of economic collapse and its result, war.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:45:48 +0000

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