I dont know if any of you read the article in last Sundays paper - TopicsExpress


I dont know if any of you read the article in last Sundays paper about the Sabine River. I really enjoyed it.. The Sabine river brings back so many memories for me.. The first one, when I was a very little girl and lived with my grandmother, Mama Jacobs... She was so afraid of me going out after dark, she would always tell me someone would grab me and put me in a toe sack and throw me in the Sabine river and the big boats would all run over me.. ( Something to tell a little one, huh? ) And the big draw bridge we used to go over, that was such a high bridge, which I always called it The high bridge. I think now its named The Rainbow bridge..Then I caught my first fish on the Sabine when I met Ray, He was raised about a mile from the river and always took me fishing with a cane pole off the bank... I got addicted... A few years later when Scott and Lori came along, when they were little,So many times we would pack a picnic lunch,he would hook our boat up to the tractor. Scott and Lori and me would ride in the boat. Werent we a funny sight...? We would go down to the river bank, put the boat in the water and go up and down the river till we found the perfect sandbar.. The kids would get out and play in the water and we would have our picnic and all have such a good time. And as the kids got older we went down and camped a few times...One time we had to come home early, because a kid was out swimming and got in our boat and took the key out and threw it in the river... Then another time the river was high/low, not sure which one, Ray backed the boat out from the boat dock and it started taking on water, and sunk. All our gas tanks and fishing gear started floating down the river.. But guess what , some people were there and helped us get our boat out.. So, we didnt lose our boat for someone to find later and have a good boat.. :) We never saw any alligators but did see lots of snakes..Running trotlines , catching some big catfish, and going down the river during the day and fishing. We went down one time and the mosquitoes were so bad we had to pack up and come right back home. I had used so much Off spray it affected the muscles in my legs, could hardly walk, thats what the Dr. said it was from... And then we took Dillon as a baby on his first visit to the Sabine.I have so many good memories I will never forget,but my last memory was the worst and saddest of all. Was when I lost Ray...But with all these memories the Sabine River will always hold a special place in my heart..
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 02:53:31 +0000

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