I dont know if the failure to indict Mr. Browns murderer was just - TopicsExpress


I dont know if the failure to indict Mr. Browns murderer was just or not, but as a man of a darker skin tone, I am frankly tired of hearing all this mess about EVERYTHING being so much about race. I swear, get your head out of the mainstream media, and you will see that black cops have shot and killed white men too, and Im talking recently! But you dont hear about that. It only becomes a media frenzy when a black man is shot. This purely shows that the mainstream media controlls us far too much. The bigger point is that we are being controlled and the idea of a continued racism is being forced in the heads of the average American so that racism and hate can continue to thrive amongst the community. Stop focusing on race and stick to the point. Was it right? Or was it wrong? Yes racism obviously exist, we all know that. But is every white cop that shoots a black man racist? That could be the case, but I highly doubt it. To be honest, the way I see people out on the street these days, our young boys of all races are being raised to think that its ok to act a fool or be a punk out in public. Obviously, you wont get too far with this mentality. When I see these young kids walking with their pants saggin, cussing out loud, being innapropriate and looking sketchy, it puts me on edge too. You try and act tough to a cop with a gun at his side, what do you think is gonna happen? So much ignorance in this country.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:14:37 +0000

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