I dont know what many of my friends, seniors, juniors, relatives - TopicsExpress


I dont know what many of my friends, seniors, juniors, relatives etc think about my support for PTI. But these were the words which were my dream long before Imran Khan even used them. My dream: Before I die, I want to see Goray standing outside Pakistani embassies in west in long queues waiting for visas just like today Pakistanis wait outside their embassies, I will die peacefully and with a satisfaction. Now hear this child mimicking Imran Khan but no matter how many times do I hear these words, I always feel as if I am hearing them for the first time. Imran Khan may have one billion problems in him but at least he shares a dream with me. Others with even more problems do not share even a single dream with me. Why shouldnt I be crazy for the dream of my life? I have no other relation with PTI. I have been repeatedly invited by many friends in PTI to join their official gatherings, I always avoided them. I can give them only my financial and moral support not political support. I am not presenting any clarifications or justifications. I know one thing, whatever you say truly and sincerely whether orally or in writing, does reach hearts, it affects them, I want as many people to share this dream with me as possible. Imran Khan is not a destination for me. He is simply a step towards my destination. He is the medium through which my dream is being highly contagious in my nation so he deserves my support.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:45:02 +0000

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