I dont know why this was the first reaction I had to Robin - TopicsExpress


I dont know why this was the first reaction I had to Robin Williams death, but here goes. All of you should know by now that I rarely post, much less about celebrity-related things. Look, Im not going to sit here and act like I knew him, or the scope of his influence, or memorable movies, Im not like that. But, what did hit home was how he passed. I had such a genuine emotional reaction that it surprised even me, but, I cried. Not because of Robin Williams himself(okay maybe a little,) but because suicidal thoughts are such a real, and honest struggle that so many people deal with. Truth be told, since last year I have been having the most intense battle with depression and panic/anxiety I have ever had. If it werent for the small number of people closest to me as well as starting my business, I hate to even say this to the whole interwebs- but I truly dont know if I would be here today. For me, depression is an illness that had been there for a long time. I only noticed however, after Id pushed myself too far and had a break down at my old job that something was wrong. For others it could be anything- an awful personal event, harsh comments on social media, or sometimes just not having someone to talk to that leads them to a dark place. It makes my heart hurt to even begin to think of the people who may not be as fortunate as I was to have someone to help them through their struggle. Help the people around you, if you notice something is wrong, try to love them through it and have patience. I dont care if we hardly even know each other, but please talk to me if you feel you have no one else to talk to. I hope Robin Williams death is perceived as less, WHO WILL PLAY ROBIN WILLIAMS IN HIS BIOPIC?!!!? and more about the reality that ANYONE can succumb to mental illness, and EVERYONE needs support, love and encouragement. I truly hope Robin Williams has found peace. I have love in my heart for all who might read this, thank you for letting me share a very personal part of my story with you.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 23:58:15 +0000

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