I dont recognize the governments non existentright to RULE myself - TopicsExpress


I dont recognize the governments non existentright to RULE myself os any other.How about them apples? I was in full so calledmelt down mode.Caught where it was heading.It is soooooooo true;you have about 4 clock minutes to get the ideas before they slip back into an abyss where you need to hope to reclaim-recover them.I am not kidding. In a world where Natural Time(do you understand there is much more to the word/termseasons?)still prevailed;and for SOME that is still adhered to,and they are LABELED asbackwards etc...well,in Natural rhythms,you dont run into that problem.You are as it were,free.To explore the REAL realm of genius.Solitude,uninterrupted by BELLS.Whistles.CLOCKS.and above all else...government its SWARMS of miserable parasitical legal FICTIONpersonnel...just doing their job you see...(about to substantially increase,more IRS GOONS WITH AKs..under ruse of AHCA-C-T,and NO it is NOT a LAW,it is NOT a Law!!Refer to the REAL Laws of the land,crack a book...!)....do yeah.It is so frustrating... How can you fix stupid? Ignorance you have a chance,in an age of the internet there SHOULD be NO excuse(oh,you must PAY with the green frogskins or..knowledge isnt worth anything if its freely shared..uh huh,said who?the ones who get their dailybread from RATIONING it out for the Massa? oh meltdown isnt the word. INCENSED to a crisp maybe... at the stupidity of the hordes of herd minds socially engineered SHEEP bleating where is my PAYcheck where is my PENsion It is going away away anyhow W.I.M.P.s where they(always,sheep saythey have programs)..oh,the irony...they??what,not who,whatthey....show me the building wherethey areworking... scurrying bean counters RIVETING chains of TYRANNY on your necks is notworking its HIRING yourself to be the machine that is pulverizing all HOPE of any POSITIVEChange. WE WERE NOT FOUNDED AS A DEMOCRACY.Do NOT confuse stupid politicalparties(republicrats) with LIBERTY. I wish my words could be softer.Used to be,and I owe Tom Porter a big thank you,hope I can find the vid.Where he explains,as a Mohawk Chief(Bear Clan) how Mohawks will be gentle and forgiving,upon having a situation out of balance,where a wrong has ben done..give a civilized explanation,a request for respect..and a 2nd.THIRD?Yer OUT!!And he said that when a Mohawk finally reached that place(this is not over minor skirmishes as ppls do today,in idjut mode!!!)....LOOK OUT!!He said that it was KNOWN,factual,historical FACT...when a Mohawk...referring to a Warrior I am imagining primarily AND also to other situations today!...when that ONE Mohawk came at the situation,100 men would scatter before him!! Well,that is about the best description I can apply to where mypersonal frustration and patience is fast approaching.I am unable to SHEEPIFY my mind. I have no such intent nor will I apologize any the longer for THINKING and also for FEELING. Yall can be flatliners/flatlanders NOT MY FATE!!! I have to MOVE! There is no stable Ground upon which to stand here.NO place as it were,where any real measure of SANITY and Civility is lived. NO Community,nada.I have a few who are understanding,and I am most appreciative that no,not all are in that place(arrogance and bullying go hand in hand,doh...!)I am aware and was thinking of the wider implications... as to how it was eroded..Civility..I am NO saint.I have said and done many times,in my more youthful ignorance or stubbornness IN A SOCIETAL context which encouraged that!!!as they (hah!I just said it!they...!!) in that case,PUBLIC SCHOOL personnel;who were already,in the mid 60;s SOCIALLY engineering the Public to THEIR grand designs...thinkassimilation...oh the ironic thread of inter connection,I have long since identified and called it out!!!)I refer to the DESTRUCTION of,the utter destruction,of any and all MEANINGFUL relationships...my reflection was that I am literally surrounded,primarily with the walking dead... devoid of their NATURAL intelligence unable to genuinely relate to anything let alone anyone on a plane of Reality vd the pre thought thoughts accepted by a herdthink..nothing new just the scope of it is mind boggling... an entire nation-so called -hahahah!...marching to the puppet masters and literally starting to cannibalize over little pieces of paper(frnuthins) and TOO DAMNED STUPID to say whoa.NO! So I guess I may still be having thatmeltdown moment eh?!!!! I had someone say,and mean:you need to take regular be stupid days... My response was that there were already enough ppls on that vacation...permanently it appears to me now. Too much fluoride and tell a vision?pharmaceuticals ans skoolin oh yah. The Haters just broke themselves out.Its drizzling some Rain.Oaks are still heavily in leaf.Same ol same ol...wow I have become totally an empath Mama take these chains off of me... only my regular readers will know what I am speaking of,short version is I live surrounded by morons with no Respect for ANY(a pretense to Civility ONLY if/when they want something...and if they cant get it by asking they move into TAKE it mode;complex system of mafiosa strong arm CRIMINAL tactics,one day they WILL be held accountable...if not here,in the next realm..forever...) so it begins. Oh hell yeah. I said it I need to MOVE.And INTO the fray. Not just my own personal beyond descript/belief situation! This is about the wider picture. I hold no delusions now of how we willfix anything. Thats what addicts do. They get afix. I dont want the job of jackazz whisperer anymore!! We are bound and gagged,and it has GOT TO STOP. However.,As my dear dear Sister i n spirit,my friend saidIt will drive you crazy.You are trying to appeal with Reason,to closed minds...Closed?non existent artificialintelligence! ~Fighter,61 Winters ,over...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:47:50 +0000

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