I don’t break my silence very often, and when I do I am either - TopicsExpress


I don’t break my silence very often, and when I do I am either dismissed or not even heard; I won’t be surprised when this is ignored, mocked, or used as fuel for a politically-fueled rant. Nonetheless, it doesn’t require a political scientist to state that a core tenant in American society is to voice your unhappiness when you are so inclined. This is not a new concept; liberals openly complain about the lack of foresight and intelligence within the GOP, just as conservatives openly complain about everything liberal. Perhaps not so surprisingly, things of positive significance rarely get passed into law in an increasingly more polarized Washington. Now the fact of the matter here is that one demographic is angry and upset, and instead of truly understanding the sheer depth and magnitude of the situation, some of you are immediately dismissing their concerns by arbitrarily justifying a person that you do not know, who acted in a capacity that you cannot possibly understand, in a place that you were not in. Or, even worse, allying yourself with the school of thought that this wouldn’t be an issue if it were a different ethnic group. Instead of silencing their dissent with any sort of understanding and brotherhood, with any remote sense of civility or understanding of “patriotism,” you are legitimizing their concerns with every hasty word that you speak and every biased political article that you share. If you do not care to understand, then do not yourselves complain when you sit down in your comfortable living room and see more riots happening hundreds or thousands of miles away. When schoolchildren are killed at their schools it is much of the same: despite being completely removed from the situation most of you desperately and fiercely cling to what is important to your boring everyday lives, and after several months of hot debate the issue gets pushed under the rug until the next psychotic gunman kills another group of innocent kids. I don’t care what your political affiliation is; objectivity is a concept that people of any political party can adhere to. Put your personal and wholly irrelevant concerns on hold for the time being, and have some empathy for a town that has been ravaged by a national lack thereof. These people are rioting because they are angry for feeling neglected and ignored, which is a few steps down from the armed militia many of you have verbalized your intent to join to ensure your second amendment right when it is infringed upon. Whether it is a foreign threat or domestic, don’t mitigate the opportunity for cooperation and improvement by allowing yourselves to think and act subjectively. After all, you can’t chant “United We Stand” only when it is convenient.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:47:21 +0000

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