I don’t really need to tell the world about Liz Daley. Anyone - TopicsExpress


I don’t really need to tell the world about Liz Daley. Anyone who met her knew her just as well as I did. She traveled far and met thousands of people, gracing everyone with her gleaming smile and sense of humor. It only took five minutes to get to know her. She hid nothing and held nothing back. In a world of people who wear masks, Liz was always Liz. I never saw her feign courteousness. If she liked you, she liked you. And if she didn’t, she’d probably let you know that, too, though I never saw that happen. Liz had a huge work ethic and tireless hustle. She had big goals and dreams but came from humble beginnings. There was no hurdle you could put in front of her to slow her down. She pushed through crippling tendonitis in her feet one year. She supported herself in Chamonix before she had sponsors by logging 70-hour weeks at restaurants, working on a tree-trimming crew, and guiding clients up the mountains. I do regret some things from our time together. I was mean to her sometimes, but more like a brother and generally because I worried about her. She progressed so fast, flew so high, and burned so bright that it was hard to believe she was even from this planet. We would squabble over silly stuff with the understanding that it was all just water under the bridge. We knew we’d be a part of each other’s lives until the end of time, which, despite her passing, remains true. Yes, I was there with her when she died and have received many messages from people who were worried about me. On one hand, I feel cursed. I’ll always wonder what single detail could have changed fate on that day. On the other hand, it was a blessing to be there with her on her final journey. To everyone who has reached out to Davide, Liz’s family, and me, thank you. To everyone who ever considered Liz a friend, I in turn offer my condolences. Looking through the pictures everyone is sharing online, I am floored by her omnipresent smile. Of course I knew she was always a blast to be around, and I knew that smile well, but I somehow didn’t realize how illuminating she was to so many people. Now I do. I will never say goodbye to you, Lizzy D., you’ll be with us forever. —Drew Tabke, freeskier
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 03:08:56 +0000

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